Publié en novembre 1954, Yves Peintures est réalisé par l'atelier d'impression de Fernando Franco de Sarabia à Madrid, où Yves Klein enseigne alors le judo. L'ouvrage se décompose en une introduction de Pascal Claude où des lignes noires se substituent au texte, et dix planches faites de rectangles monochromes découpés dans du papier collé sur des feuilles libres. Les planches portent toutes la mention d'un lieu différent : Madrid, Paris, Nice, Londres et Tokyo. Cet ouvrage, aujourd'hui introuvable, est considéré comme le premier geste public d'Yves Klein.
Published in November 1954, Yves Peintures was produced by the engraving workshop of Fernando Franco de Sarabia in Madrid, where Yves Klein was teaching judo at that time. The publication emcompasses a foreword by Claude Pascal with black lines instead of text, and ten color plates made of monochrome paper of various dimensions and huespasted on paper. Each of them bears a different inscription: Madrid, Paris, Nice, Londres et Tokyo. This publication, now untraceable, is considered to be the first public artistic action by Yves Klein.
Published in November 1954, Yves Peintures was produced by the engraving workshop of Fernando Franco de Sarabia in Madrid, where Yves Klein was teaching judo at that time. The publication emcompasses a foreword by Claude Pascal with black lines instead of text, and ten color plates made of monochrome paper of various dimensions and huespasted on paper. Each of them bears a different inscription: Madrid, Paris, Nice, Londres et Tokyo. This publication, now untraceable, is considered to be the first public artistic action by Yves Klein.