With its whirling composition of abstract forms and refined chromatic balance, Missing Pages, 2010, witnesses Ida Ekblad’s original take on expressionism and folk art. Washed gestural swirls of deep blue and violet dance across the canvas in a dynamic and harmonic balance recalling a musical composition. As Ekblad has said: ‘Painting to me combines expressions of rhythm, poetry, scent, emotion..... It offers ways to articulate the spaces between words, and I cannot be concerned with its death, when working at it makes me feel so alive. Canvas can be attacked, copulated with and played like an instrument. I believe in painting like I believe in music. Gore grind music has been invented and can be reinvented forever, and no two raindrops are alike...’ (I. Eklab, quoted in G. Del Vecchio, ‘Pure Energy, Deep Poetry’, Mousse Magazine, www.moussemagazine.it/articolo.mm?id=528 [accessed 9 February 2015]).