Pasqualino's work is clearly influenced, in both style and composition, by that of Cima da Conegliano, and he probably formed part of Cima's flourishing workshop in Venice during the 1490s. The present work, however, is unusual in that it is based on a popular composition by Giovanni Bellini from the 1480s or 1490s.
Pasqualino emerged from Cima's studio by the turn of the century, and had achieved a sufficient reputation in his own right to be given the important commission to decorate the main wall of the albergo of the Scuola della Carità in Venice in 1504. Before he was able to commence painting, he died suddenly the same year, cutting short a promising career. The commission for the albergo later passed to Titian.
Pasqualino emerged from Cima's studio by the turn of the century, and had achieved a sufficient reputation in his own right to be given the important commission to decorate the main wall of the albergo of the Scuola della Carità in Venice in 1504. Before he was able to commence painting, he died suddenly the same year, cutting short a promising career. The commission for the albergo later passed to Titian.