‘I was very fascinated by this material. The quality-that it was so glossy. I’ve always liked the fact that you have to do very little to make it look good. In this case, you really have a lot of interesting effects created by almost nothing. All the colours reflect and also it has a very psychedelic effect when you look at it from a close distance. A bit like on an acid trip. The fact that this cheap store foil work is such a big contrast to the expensive acrylic box around it, is another aspect. Without this box, it would have been more trashy, cheap and even more fragile. But when it’s inside it gets more serious leaving no doubt that it’s a real piece of art’ (A. Reyle, quoted in, A. Tovborg, ‘Anselm Reyle: Valley of the Snake Ladies’, Andersen’s Contemporary, Copenhagen, May- June 2006.)