Diese Collage ist ein von Tinguely kreierter Plakatentwurf für die Theateraufführung Das Gasherz von Tristan Tzara. Daniel Spoerri brachte Das Gasherz im Schauspielhaus in Düsseldorf wieder zum schlagen und inszenierte dieses Stück von seinem Bruder im Geiste.
This collage is a draft of a poster created by Tinguely for the theatre production of Das Gasherz/The Gas Heart by Tristan Zsara. Daniel Spoerri got The Gasherz/The Gas Heart beating again in Düsseldorf's playhouse by staging this piece that was written by his brother-in-spirit.
This collage is a draft of a poster created by Tinguely for the theatre production of Das Gasherz/The Gas Heart by Tristan Zsara. Daniel Spoerri got The Gasherz/The Gas Heart beating again in Düsseldorf's playhouse by staging this piece that was written by his brother-in-spirit.