The distinctive horse armour depicted in this painting is very closely related to that depicted in an equestrian portrait of his great-uncle Maharaja Sujan Singh of Bikaner (r. 1700-36). That painting is the work of the artist Ustad Qasim [probably the grandson of Ruknuddin, cf.Naval Krishna, 'The Umarani Master-Painters of Bikaner and their Genealogy, in Andrew Topsfield, (ed.), Court Painting in Rajasthan, (Marg vol.51, no.3), Mumbai, 2000, p.62] and dated to circa 1720. It was sold at Christie's Online Auction, India on Paper, 29 May - 12 June 2014, lot 533 (https://onlineonly.christies.com/s/india-on-paper/an-equestrian-portra it-of-raja-sujan-singh-r-1700-36-533/6634). It is also published by Catherine Glynn, 'Bijapur Themes in Bikaner Painting', in Andrew Topsfield (ed)., Court Painting in Rajasthan, Mumbai, 2000, no.7, p.72.