A red sandstone figural doorjamb
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A red sandstone figural doorjamb


A red sandstone figural doorjamb
India, Madhya Pradesh, circa 9th century
With three vertical registers, the central portion with a dancing vina player against a cylindrical pilaster with ribbed bands and looped festoon surmounted by a winged monkey, the left side with a woman carrying a pot and the right side with a gana supporting a plinth with an elephant, rearing vyala, and makara, the vyala rider in the recess holding the reigns
27¼ in. (69 cm.) high
Collection of a civil servant, Mumbai, acquired in the 1960s
Lots which are Art Treasures under the Art and Antiquities Act 1972 cannot be exported outside India. Please note that lots are marked as a convenience to you and we shall not be liable for any errors in, or failure to, mark any lot.


The image of the vyala, a mythical rearing lion, sometimes represented as a composite beast, was a lasting trope spanning two thousand years not only throughout the Indian subcontinent but also extending to neighboring regions in which Buddhist and Hindu philosophy became the established cultural orientation. Here, the slender, naturalistic form with supple flesh, together with the cylindrical pilaster topped by a ribbed amalaka fruit shape suggests a notably early date for this sculpture. Compare with an example at the Seattle Art Museum (see D. Mason, Gods, Guardians, and Lovers, 1993, p. 177, cat. no. 23).

更多來自 印度藝術
