SUI JIANGUO (Chinese, B. 1956)


隋建國是推動中國雕塑藝術語言現代化的實驗先鋒,他在 1989年畢業於中央美術學院,現為該院雕塑系的主任, 雖然他來自和留任於學院的體制,但是他不斷在觀念和題 材上力求突破傳統,並致力對材質和造型深入探索,以重 量感和宏大的氣勢在美術界別樹一幟。

從1992年創作的《地圭》已經可以看到他對禁錮的體會 和表達,堅實的石頭被粗鋼筋緊箍和嵌入,兩種物質表面 融合,內在卻發放巨大對抗力量,反映出個人內心存在的 壓迫和矛盾。《中國製造》的巨型紅色恐龍被困在戶外的 鐵籠,對比四周自由走動的觀眾,同樣突顯了囚禁的意 思。拍品《衣缽》(Lot 136) 是隋建國的代表系列作品之 一,它是沿著禁錮和衝突的心理活動而發展的作品。隨著 革命年代政治領袖以毛裝作為人民的服飾指標,它已經不 是一件單純的衣服,而成為了權力崇拜的符號,甚至是一 件約束個體意識發展的囚衣。隋建國運用中山裝的特殊歷 史意思,轉化為現代藝術語言的形式,他利用堅固的材質 創作,強化了政治權力牢不可破的印象。對比文革式寫實 風格對人物描繪的重視,隋建國的中山裝是完全脫離具體 客觀人物的塑造,作品以中空的狀態呈現,可是透過對腹 部位置隆起的描述,巧妙地暗示出一個極權領袖的身影, 把不在場的人物特性跟他連帶的一段歷史間接地喚起觀者 的集體記憶,引發觀眾對個人經驗和民族歷史作出深沉的 反思。
2007年3 月21日 蘇富比紐約 編號71
Please note that Lot 136 is offered without reserve.


Marcello Kwan
Marcello Kwan


Sui Jianguo is an experimental pioneer who promotes modernising the artistic language of Chinese sculpture. He graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1989, where he is now the head of the Sculpture Department. Despite studying and working under the academic system, Sui persistently seeks to break away from traditional concepts and subjects, and deeply explores the use of materials and modelling to establish his unique, powerful style.

In Earth Forces, created in 1992, Sui reveals his understanding and expression of captivity. As the thick web of rebars wrap around the rock and bite into it, the two materials seem to merge peacefully with each other, but there is a powerful force of resistance inside, representing the suppression and contradictions within the individual's heart. Another Sui work that examines captivity is Made in China, a gigantic red dinosaur locked in an outdoor cage, which sits among a freely moving audience. The auction lot Legacy Mantle (Lot 484) comes from Sui's signature series. The Mao suit is more than just a garment; it is an icon of political leadership in the age of revolution. It symbolises the worship of power, but can also be regarded as prison garb that represses the growth of individualism. Sui transforms the special historical significance of the Mao suit into a form of modern artistic language, and strengthens the impression of unbreakable political power by using a tough, solid material. Unlike the realistic style during the Cultural Revolution, which emphasised the portrayal of individual characters, Sui's Mao Suit acts in a completely opposite way. It is hollow, with no figure inside, but the bulge in its abdominal part cleverly suggests the figure of a totalitarian leader whose characteristics and history arouse viewers' collective memory, thus evoking in them reflection on their own experiences and the history of their nation.

更多來自 亞洲當代藝術 (日間拍賣)
