"Le ricerche degli anni '60 comportavano rigore geometrico e maggiore era il perfezionismo tecnico, migliore il risultato dell'indagine. Ma io ho sempre abuto una doppia natura: intuita una regola per estrinsecare una ricerca, subito dopo la destituivo per vedere cosa succedeva 'al di là'. Cioè codificata una programmazione, cercavo come dato insostituibile l'imponderabile: ciò che sfuggendo alle regole desse una dimensione all'operare oltre determinazione precostituita".
DADAMAINO (cat. mostra a Milano, Associazione Culturale Renzo Cortina, Dadamaino - Gli anni '70, rigore e coerenza, p. 59)
"The investigations of the '60s called for geometric rigour and the greater the technical perfection, the more successful the investigation. But I have always had a dual nature: having intuited a rule in order to extract an investigation, I would dismiss it immediately afterwards to see what happened 'beyond'. Having thus codified a method, I was seeking the imponderable as an irreplaceable fact: something which, in defying the rules, would give a dimension to the process beyond a pre-established determination".
DADAMAINO (exh. cat., Milan, Associazione Culturale Renzo Cortina, Dadamaino - Gli anni '70, rigore e coerenza, p. 59)
DADAMAINO (cat. mostra a Milano, Associazione Culturale Renzo Cortina, Dadamaino - Gli anni '70, rigore e coerenza, p. 59)
"The investigations of the '60s called for geometric rigour and the greater the technical perfection, the more successful the investigation. But I have always had a dual nature: having intuited a rule in order to extract an investigation, I would dismiss it immediately afterwards to see what happened 'beyond'. Having thus codified a method, I was seeking the imponderable as an irreplaceable fact: something which, in defying the rules, would give a dimension to the process beyond a pre-established determination".
DADAMAINO (exh. cat., Milan, Associazione Culturale Renzo Cortina, Dadamaino - Gli anni '70, rigore e coerenza, p. 59)