Among the wax sculptures which were discovered in Degas' studio after his death and which survived the transformation into bronze, the theme of the dancer at rest was one that recurred several times, demonstrating its importance to the artist. Conceived circa 1882-1895, Danseuse au repos, les mains sur les hanches, la jambe gauche en avant shows a dancer, seemingly devoid of clothing, appearing to stretch and relax in a moment of calm either before or after her vigorous exertions on the stage or in rehearsal. Her arms are bent behind her back, hands on her hips, as she arches her back slightly while pushing her torso forward. This resting pose is one which Degas would explore in his paintings and drawings as well—he was drawn to its ability to conjure an impression of informality while providing the viewer with a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the private life of a ballerina.