« Ces sols – ombreux, roux, fromagés, duveteux, mouillés, couleur de poivre, d’épices, de vieux meubles, de vieux métau ; chaussées urbaines ou nappes de terre – ces sols solides et réels, se dérobent cependant et s’ouvrent sous nos pas. Et ce sont des tapis de sol volants, emportés aux vents capricieux des rêveries personnelles, car à bien célébrer le sol, on a vite fait de perdre pied ».
“This ground – shady, rusty red, mushy, downy, wet, the colour of pepper, spices, old furniture, old metal; urban roads or layers of earth – yet this solid and real ground gives way beneath our feet. And these are magic carpets of flying soil, carried away by the
capricious winds of our dreams , for to properly celebrate the ground, you quickly come to lose your footing”.
- Georges Limbour
“This ground – shady, rusty red, mushy, downy, wet, the colour of pepper, spices, old furniture, old metal; urban roads or layers of earth – yet this solid and real ground gives way beneath our feet. And these are magic carpets of flying soil, carried away by the
capricious winds of our dreams , for to properly celebrate the ground, you quickly come to lose your footing”.
- Georges Limbour