12 bottles per lot
Château Palmer 1961
Cantenac (Margaux), 3ème cru classé
Four original capsules, two corroded. Eight recent capsules, recorked in 1998. Four slightly stained, two slightly damaged and one damaged labels. Two Mahler-Besse neck labels. Eight integrated Mahler-Besse labels. Levels five into neck, five base of neck, one top-shoulder and one upper-shoulder
12 bottles per lot
Cantenac (Margaux), 3ème cru classé
Four original capsules, two corroded. Eight recent capsules, recorked in 1998. Four slightly stained, two slightly damaged and one damaged labels. Two Mahler-Besse neck labels. Eight integrated Mahler-Besse labels. Levels five into neck, five base of neck, one top-shoulder and one upper-shoulder
12 bottles per lot
Jennifer Lo