A Gomai-Do Gusoku [Armour with Five-Piece Cuirass]
A Gomai-Do Gusoku [Armour with Five-Piece Cuirass]
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The Dolphyn Collection of Samurai Art
A Gomai-Do Gusoku [Armour with Five-Piece Cuirass]

The helmet signed Nagamichi, Edo period (17th - 18th century)

A Gomai-Do Gusoku [Armour with Five-Piece Cuirass]
The helmet signed Nagamichi, Edo period (17th - 18th century)
The armour with matching green silk with gold brocade lining and matching variegated reddish-orange silk kebiki-odoshi [close laced] lacing, the zaboshi kabuto [helmet with star-seated rivets] of sixty-two russet iron plates signed Nagamichi, five-tiered gilt and copper alloy hachimanza [decorative surround to central aperture], riveted iron mabisashi [peak] with gilt edging, maedate [fore-crest] of a leaping karashishi [lion dog], five tier black-lacquered iron shikoro [neck guard] formed of shitsuke-zane [laced plates simulating individual lamellae], small rounded fukigaeshi [return plates] with inlaid shell characters ken [firm] and haku [white], with gilt copper fukurin [edging], russet iron menpo [face mask] with expansive bristle moustache and detachable nose, with four tier black lacquered iron yodare-gake [bib], the five piece hinged cuirass of dangai yokohagi construction (horizontal riveted iron plates with upper and lower sections of laced lamellae), kobire [small shoulder pieces] of brigandine, seven tiered kusazuri [skirt] of lacquered hardened leather shittsukezane, hyotan-gote [sleeves with black lacquered iron rectangular and double-gourd shaped pieces on chain mail], seven tier chu-sode [shoulder guards] of iron shittsukezane, Etchu haidate [thigh guards], lacquered iron splint Shino sune-ate, with an armour box


Anastasia von Seibold
Anastasia von Seibold

