« Le Fishscape (1974) m’a coûté plusieurs mois de travail, de huit à dix heures par jour […]. J’ai commencé par faire deux collages. Dans le premier, j’ai mis les poissons à plat. Dans le second, j’ai utilisé une feuille de cellophane transparente pour que les poissons puissent sauter en l’air et se détacher au fond. Les parachutistes ont été rajoutés après. Ils tombent du ciel, en tirant sur les poissons. Dans quelques secondes, ils vont disparaître, bouffés par les piranhas. Ils ne s’arrêtent pas de tirer, même si cela ne sert à rien, en sachant qu’ils vont disparaître. Bien sûr ce scape a été peint pendant la guerre du Vietnam. »
“The Fishscape (1974) cost me several months’ work, from eight to ten hours a day […]. I started by making two collages. In the first, I put the fish on flat. In the second I used a sheet of clear cellophane so that the fish could jump into the air and detach themselves from the background. The parachutists were added later. They fall out of the sky, pulling on the fish. In a few seconds they will disappear, eaten by the piranhas. They don’t stop pulling, even though it’s pointless, knowing that they’re going to die. Of course this ‘scape’ was painted during the Vietnam War.”
“The Fishscape (1974) cost me several months’ work, from eight to ten hours a day […]. I started by making two collages. In the first, I put the fish on flat. In the second I used a sheet of clear cellophane so that the fish could jump into the air and detach themselves from the background. The parachutists were added later. They fall out of the sky, pulling on the fish. In a few seconds they will disappear, eaten by the piranhas. They don’t stop pulling, even though it’s pointless, knowing that they’re going to die. Of course this ‘scape’ was painted during the Vietnam War.”