Diego crée le modèle des deux chiens représentés sur ces tables d'après la photographie d'Assouan, le premier labrador de Monsieur de Givenchy. Il les représentera parfois isolément, notamment pour les placer sur une pierre tombale (voir illustration page 46), parfois réunis en groupe, ou seuls, sur une terrasse, avec une coupelle.
Diego created the model of the two dogs portrayed on these tables after a photograph of Assouan, the first labrador of Monsieur de Givenchy. He would portray them sometimes on their own, especially to commemorate their surrogate on its tomb (see ill. p.46), sometimes together as a group or even separately, on a plinth with a bowl.
Diego created the model of the two dogs portrayed on these tables after a photograph of Assouan, the first labrador of Monsieur de Givenchy. He would portray them sometimes on their own, especially to commemorate their surrogate on its tomb (see ill. p.46), sometimes together as a group or even separately, on a plinth with a bowl.