"Le mie più recenti opere sono ormai articolate con elementi fotografici di tipo didattico didascalico; anzi, ho intensificato questa forma fino a ridurre la figura a un contorno sagomale, quasi fossero l'equivalente figurale delle voci che potrebbero definire. L'intensità di cui parlavo consiste proprio nel concentrare un concetto in un elemento monoverbale [...] (questi elementi) montati in una tela raccoglitrice (poiché manca di qualsiasi manomissione) rimangono autonomi, autodefiniti: intendo fuggire da qualsiasi intervento manuale che, reso manifesto, creasse una reciprocità contaminatrice di queste essenze. Una specie di processo designificatore, quindi, se lo si analizza fino a questo punto. Al bando, allora, accostamenti con intenti significanti e induttori. Una figura di aereo, ad esempio, la introduco solo se capace di conservarsi: 'aeromobile più pesante dell'aria, capace di procedere e dirigersi nella atmosfera per mezzo di organi propulsori = aereo. Il concetto aeroplano contiene così tutti quei predicati, ma io voglio che rimanga in questa ricchezza, senza scaricarsi in una vicenda o integrarsi in una qualifica".
"My most recent works are now structured with photographic elements of a didactic nature; in fact, I have intensified this form to the extent of reducing the figure to an outline, almost as though they were the figural equivalent of the voices they might define. The intensity I was talking about consists in the concentrating a concept in a monoverbal element [...] (these elements) mounted on a containing canvas (since it entirely lacks intervention of any kind) remain autonomous, self-defining: I intend to escape from any manual intervention which, made manifest, might create a contaminating reciprocity of these essences. A kind of de-signifying process, therefore, if we analyse it up to here. Banishing, then, juxtapositions with signifying or inspiring intent. I introduce the figure of an aeroplane, for example, only if it is capable of holding its own: 'aircraft heavier than air, capable of advancing and moving in the atmosphere by means of propulsive mechanisms = aeroplane. The concept aeroplane thus contains all those predicates, but I want it to remain within this richness, without losing itself in a sequence of events or falling into a category".
"My most recent works are now structured with photographic elements of a didactic nature; in fact, I have intensified this form to the extent of reducing the figure to an outline, almost as though they were the figural equivalent of the voices they might define. The intensity I was talking about consists in the concentrating a concept in a monoverbal element [...] (these elements) mounted on a containing canvas (since it entirely lacks intervention of any kind) remain autonomous, self-defining: I intend to escape from any manual intervention which, made manifest, might create a contaminating reciprocity of these essences. A kind of de-signifying process, therefore, if we analyse it up to here. Banishing, then, juxtapositions with signifying or inspiring intent. I introduce the figure of an aeroplane, for example, only if it is capable of holding its own: 'aircraft heavier than air, capable of advancing and moving in the atmosphere by means of propulsive mechanisms = aeroplane. The concept aeroplane thus contains all those predicates, but I want it to remain within this richness, without losing itself in a sequence of events or falling into a category".