Intriso da un simbolismo lirico e dalla magia di geometrie sacre, Figura T 3 di Osvaldo Licini è un vero gioiello della pittura. Un viso pallido, rappresentato in scala molto intima, riempie la tela, incorniciato da uno sfondo azzurro riccamente materico e da una frangia di capelli rosso acceso. I piani cromatici e i contorni grafici costituiscono le vestigia del periodo astratto dell'artista, a seguito della sua partecipazione iniziale al Futurismo; una familiarità con Klee e Kandinsky sembra pervadere l'innata sensibilità per la linea, e il colore vivace brilla in ogni parte di una composizione risplendente di emozione. Il naso e l'occhio destro sono costituiti da simboli testuali; una T di un arancione acceso, la cui ombra segue la forma trigonometrica di un triangolo rettangolo, e un 3 in verde. L'occhio sinistro è uno sprazzo di sole nero celestiale, mentre la bocca, aperta per segnalare forse sorpresa o stupore, è rappresentata da una piccola O azzurra. Affascinato dalla mitologia, dalle fiabe e dalla magia, Licini cercava di creare nella pittura un mondo paradisiaco poetico-figurativo, sintetizzando la geometria, la crittografia e la rappresentazione di creature angeliche in un linguaggio pittorico originale. Nelle sue opere, Licini cercava le verità essenziali nel cuore dell'universo, adoperando segni enigmatici e alfabeti per esplorare i misteri dell'esistenza umana nel cosmo. Un'altra influenza significativa per Licini fu la bellezza naturale e straordinaria - soprattutto di notte - di Monte Vidon Corrado, di cui poteva ammirare le ondulate colline e gli spazi immensi dalla splendida terrazza della sua casa. Allo stesso modo, la composizione vivace e giocosa di opere come Figura T 3 costituisce un'espressione dello spirito libero dell'artista stesso: l'anima mistica di un poeta e di un pittore incantato dalle gioie sensuali e semiotiche dell'arte e della vita.
Imbued with a lyrical symbolism and the magic of sacred geometries, Osvaldo Licini’s Figura T 3 is an exquisite jewel of a painting. Rendered on an intimate scale, a pale face fills the canvas, framed by a richly textured blue background and a fringe of fiery orange hair. Its chromatic planes and graphic outlines reflect the legacy of Licini’s abstract period, which followed his early involvement in Futurism; knowledge of Klee and Kandinsky can be seen to infuse his innate sensitivity to line, and vivid colour flares through a composition that glows with feeling. The face’s nose and right eye are formed of textual symbols: a bright orange T, whose shadow follows the trigonometric form of a right triangle, and a green 3. The left eye is a celestial black sunburst, and the mouth, open as if in surprise or wonder, is a small, blue O. Fascinated by myth, fairytale and magic, Licini sought to create a heavenly poetic-figurative world in his paintings, synthesising geometry, cryptography and depictions of angelic beings into a distinctive pictorial language. In these works he was on a search for fundamental truths that lie at the heart of the universe, using enigmatic signs and alphabets to explore the mysteries of human existence in the cosmos. Another important influence was the outstanding natural beauty – particularly at night – of Monte Vidon Corrado, whose rolling hills and vast spaces Lucini admired from the splendid panoramic terrace of his home. At the same time, the vibrant and playful composition of works such as Figura T 3 form an expression of Licini’s own free spirit: the mystic soul of a poet and painter enchanted by the sensuous and semiotic pleasures of art and life.
Imbued with a lyrical symbolism and the magic of sacred geometries, Osvaldo Licini’s Figura T 3 is an exquisite jewel of a painting. Rendered on an intimate scale, a pale face fills the canvas, framed by a richly textured blue background and a fringe of fiery orange hair. Its chromatic planes and graphic outlines reflect the legacy of Licini’s abstract period, which followed his early involvement in Futurism; knowledge of Klee and Kandinsky can be seen to infuse his innate sensitivity to line, and vivid colour flares through a composition that glows with feeling. The face’s nose and right eye are formed of textual symbols: a bright orange T, whose shadow follows the trigonometric form of a right triangle, and a green 3. The left eye is a celestial black sunburst, and the mouth, open as if in surprise or wonder, is a small, blue O. Fascinated by myth, fairytale and magic, Licini sought to create a heavenly poetic-figurative world in his paintings, synthesising geometry, cryptography and depictions of angelic beings into a distinctive pictorial language. In these works he was on a search for fundamental truths that lie at the heart of the universe, using enigmatic signs and alphabets to explore the mysteries of human existence in the cosmos. Another important influence was the outstanding natural beauty – particularly at night – of Monte Vidon Corrado, whose rolling hills and vast spaces Lucini admired from the splendid panoramic terrace of his home. At the same time, the vibrant and playful composition of works such as Figura T 3 form an expression of Licini’s own free spirit: the mystic soul of a poet and painter enchanted by the sensuous and semiotic pleasures of art and life.