‘L’arte è per noi di natura misteriosa e non si definisce. Confessiamo pure che la bellezza sfuggirà sempre ai nostri calcoli. Ed è bene che sia così. Come tutte le cose della natura, enigmatica, menzognera, bella ma con frode. L’importante è che la pittura sia geniale. Bugie capaci di tenersi ritte’
Osvaldo Licini
‘Art is for us something naturally mysterious and undefined. We shall confess that beauty will always be beyond our plans. And it is right it is this way. Alike the other natural phenomena, enigmatic, mendacious, wonderful and fake. The only important thing is that
painting is brilliant. Some lies that are able to stand by themselves’
Osvaldo Licini
Osvaldo Licini
‘Art is for us something naturally mysterious and undefined. We shall confess that beauty will always be beyond our plans. And it is right it is this way. Alike the other natural phenomena, enigmatic, mendacious, wonderful and fake. The only important thing is that
painting is brilliant. Some lies that are able to stand by themselves’
Osvaldo Licini