« La forme est préexistante. Enfermée dans la paume de la main, elle reste là bien tranquille dans ce lieu de mémoire. D’ici naissent les formes, multiples et multipliées, l’oeil du peintre les fixe à l’intérieur du contour et en cherche la raison – mais celle-ci habite le coeur… »
“Form comes first. Cupped in the palm of the hand, it stays still where it lies in the space of memory. This is where the forms in their teeming variety germinate, and the painter fixes their outlines seeking to construe their reason – but the reason has its home in the heart…”
“Form comes first. Cupped in the palm of the hand, it stays still where it lies in the space of memory. This is where the forms in their teeming variety germinate, and the painter fixes their outlines seeking to construe their reason – but the reason has its home in the heart…”