Jacopo Robusti, called Jacopo Tintoretto (Venice 1519-1594)
Jacopo Robusti, called Jacopo Tintoretto (Venice 1519-1594)

Portrait of a boy, probably of the Mocenigo family, bust-length

Jacopo Robusti, called Jacopo Tintoretto (Venice 1519-1594)
Portrait of a boy, probably of the Mocenigo family, bust-length
oil on canvas
22 ½ x 20 1/8 in. (57.1 x 51 cm.)
Adolph Thiem (1832-1923), Berlin and San Remo.
with Paul Cassirer, Berlin.
with Knoedler, New York, 1929.
with Robert Frank Ltd., New York, 1937.
with Knoedler, New York, 1941.
Frances and John L. Loeb, New York.
Anonymous sale; Christie's, New York, 23 May 1997, lot 81 ($162,000).
Anonymous sale; Christie's, London, 6 July 2007, lot 222 (£102,000).
R. Pallucchini, 'Un capolavoro del Tintoretto: la Madonna del Doge Alvise Mocenigo', Arte Veneta, VIII, 1954, p. 235, fig. 250.
P. Rossi, 'Osservazioni sui ritratti di Jacopo Tintoretto e una recente pubblicazione sul Tintoretto ed il problema della sua ritrattistica', Arte Veneta, XXIII, 1969, p. 269.
P. De Vecchi, L'Opera completa del Tintoretto, Milan, 1970, p. 138, no. F77, illustrated.
P. Rossi, Jacopo Tintoretto, Venice, 1975, p. 118, fig. 175.
J. L. Loeb, The Frances and John Loeb Collection, London, 1982, no. 3.
P. Rossi, Tintoretto, i Ritratti, Venice, 1990, p. 118, fig. 175, as 'Ritratto di un fanciullo della famiglia Mocenigo'.
Rochester, New York, Memorial Art Gallery, The Art of the Italian Renaissance, January 1931, no. 13.
Hartford, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Exhibition of Forty-three Portraits, 26 January- 10 February 1937, no. 13.
New York, Knoedler, Italian Renaissance Portraits, 18 March-6 April 1940.
Columbus, Ohio, Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, Tenth Anniversary Exhibition, 14 January- 18 February 1941, no. 2.
Milwaukee, Milwaukee Art Museum, Six Centuries of Portrait Masterpieces, 2 October-15 November 1942, no. 49.
Richmond, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Portrait Panorama, 10 September-12 October 1947, no. 5.
San Antonio, Witte Memorial Museum, Loan Exhibition of Paintings of XVI to XIX Centuries from M. Knoedler and Co., October-November 1949, no. 1.
Baltimore, The Baltimore Museum of Art, Behold the Child, November-December 1950.
Paris, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Chefs-d'Oeuvre de la Curiosité du Monde, 10 June-30 September 1954, no. 49, pl. 5.


As first suggested by Rodolfo Pallucchini in 1954 (op. cit.), this portrait of a young boy is identifiable with the disguised portrait in the figure of the music-making angel in Tintoretto’s Doge Alvise Mocenigo and Family before the Madonna and Child of circa 1575 (Washington, National Gallery of Art, inv. no. 1961.9.44). The features of the two figures are closely comparable, thus suggesting that the sitter was a member of the Mocenigo family. As such, Pallucchini argues that he was a grandson of Doge Giovanni Mocenigo (1409-1485) and the great nephew of Doge Alvise (1507-1577) in Tintoretto’s votive canvas. Rossi dates the present portrait to around 1575, and thus to the same moment as the Washington picture.

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