Pierre Bonnard (1867-1947)


油彩 畫布
39 1/2 x 23 3/8吋(100.3 x 59.4公分)
洛杉磯傑羅姆·K·奧爾巴赫(1959年購自上述收藏);1990年11月13日,紐約蘇富比,舊藏拍賣, 拍品編號11
《International Studio》,1930年7月,編號XCVI,第56頁
D. Catton Rich著《Catalogue of the Charles H. and Mary F.S. Worcester Collection of Paintings, Sculpture and Drawings》,芝加哥,1947年,第81頁,編號86(插圖,圖號XLIX;1928年作)
J.及H. Dauberville著《Bonnard: Catalogue raisonné de l'oeuvre peint, 1920-1939》,巴黎,1973年,第III冊,第309頁,編號1383(插圖)
1928年10月至12月 「Twenty-Seventh International Exhibition of Paintings」展覽 卡內基研究所 匹茲堡 編號189(插圖)
1929年3月至4月 「European Paintings from the Carnegie International Exhibition」展覽 芝加哥藝術博物館 第18頁,編號39(插圖,第23頁)
1930年1月至4月 「Paintings in Paris from American Collections」展覽 紐約現代藝術博物館及芝加哥大學 第19頁,編號7(1928年作)
1933年6月至11月 「A Century of Progress: Exhibition of Paintings and Sculpture Lent from American Collections」展覽 芝加哥藝術博物館 第77頁,編號677(1928年作)
1938年12月至1939年1月 「Loan Exhibition of Paintings and Prints by Pierre Bonnard and Edouard Vuillard」展覽 芝加哥藝術博物館 編號5(1928年作)
1940年3月至4月 芝加哥藝術俱樂部
1948年6月至7月 「19th and 20th century European and American Art, Including a Special Section Devoted to The Work of Iowa Artists」展覽 得梅因藝術中心 編號7
1949年10月 達拉斯美術館
1950年6月 伍斯特藝術中心 威斯康星
1956年10月至12月 文藝復興協會 芝加哥
1958年12月至1959年2月 「1896-1955: Retrospective Exhibition of Paintings from Previous Internationals」展覽 卡內基研究所 匹茲堡 編號46(插圖;1928年作)
1961年 「Paintings From Private Collections, Summer Loan Exhibition」展覽 大都會藝術博物館 紐約 第2頁,編號1


Suffused with golden radiance, Le Vestibule depicts, on the right, Bonnard’s lifelong partner and muse Marthe de Méligny; on the left is a young maid, who also appears in La leçon de couture, 1926 (Dauberville, no. 1360; Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C.). The two figures—situated back-to-back on either side of a projecting wall, seemingly unaware of each other’s presence—are a poignant study in contrasts. The younger woman is captured mid-step, a dish in her hands, advancing purposefully toward the light that streams into the scene from the left. Her face is brightly illuminated, and her red blouse stands out in vivid counterpoint against the yellow wall. Marthe, conversely, remains utterly still and silent, her head bowed in a posture of pensive self-absorption tinged with melancholy. Her striped top is woven into the very architecture of the room, with its network of horizontals and verticals, while her face, sunken in shadow, is scarcely discernible against the wooden sideboard. The maid seems to exist in the here-and-now, while Marthe occupies a space of reverie, on the boundary between reality and dreams.
Bonnard painted this enigmatic scene at Le Bosquet, a modest villa overlooking the bay of Cannes that he and Marthe purchased in February 1926, six months after they finally wed. Following a campaign of renovations, which included a studio for the artist and a modern bath for Marthe, they occupied the house in mid-1927; Bonnard painted the present canvas the same year and sent it to Pittsburgh in 1928 for the annual Carnegie Exhibition. The maid in the composition is seen entering the first-floor dining room, which had walls painted Naples yellow with wainscoting beneath.
Although Bonnard would peregrinate for the ensuing decade between the South of France and the Seine valley, where he also owned a home, Le Bosquet served as his most profound and enduring source of creative inspiration, as well as the inner sanctum of his domestic intimacy with Marthe, whose health had begun to decline. In the quiet, well-trodden rooms of the house, he made notes in his journal of color patterns or fleeting observations that sparked his impulse to begin a picture. He then painted from memory back in his studio, on lengths of canvas tacked directly to the wall, transforming his initial visual experiences into variegated tapestries of brilliant color. “The principal subject is the surface,” Bonnard maintained, “which has its laws over and above those of objects. It’s not a matter of painting life, it’s a matter of giving life to painting” (quoted in N. Watkins, Bonnard, London, 1994, p. 171).

更多來自 印象派及現代藝術(晚間拍賣)
