Parmi les objets peints il en est un qui interpelle particulièrement le spectateur ; il s’agit du miroir. A chaque fois, il recouvre le verre et le cadre d’une épaisse couche de matière métallisée qui opacifie la partie réfléchissante et n’accroche que de vagues reflets de lumières. […] Avec un peu de peinture sur un objet clairement identifiable, Lavier donne donc à chaque spectateur la possibilité d’expérimenter l’inconsistance de sa plus ancienne certitude : celle qui concerne sa propre identité.
Among the painted objects there is one that particularly challenges the viewer; it is the mirror. Each time, he covers the glass and the frame with a thick layer of metallic material that opacifies the reflective part and clings only vague reflections of light. [...] With a little paint on a clearly identifiable object, Lavier gives each spectator the opportunity to experience the inconsistency of its oldest certainty: the one which concerns its own identity.
Catherine Francblin
Among the painted objects there is one that particularly challenges the viewer; it is the mirror. Each time, he covers the glass and the frame with a thick layer of metallic material that opacifies the reflective part and clings only vague reflections of light. [...] With a little paint on a clearly identifiable object, Lavier gives each spectator the opportunity to experience the inconsistency of its oldest certainty: the one which concerns its own identity.
Catherine Francblin