"Cet univers en équilibre instable où les formes se maintiennent en suspension et planent dans l’état de la surface, où elles s’attirent et se rejettent mutuellement, est transposé par Oteiza dans la sculpture. De ces compositions dynamiques et mûrement travaillées se dégagent des accords rythmiques, faits de tension et d’abandon." Valérie Vergez
"Oteiza transposes in sculpture an instable equilibrium where forces are held in suspension and glide in a state of surface, where they both attract and reject each other. From these dynamic and finely worked compositions are born rythmic notes, made of tension and freefall."
"Oteiza transposes in sculpture an instable equilibrium where forces are held in suspension and glide in a state of surface, where they both attract and reject each other. From these dynamic and finely worked compositions are born rythmic notes, made of tension and freefall."