Samuel Dixon of Capel Street, Dublin, advertised his first set of 'flower pieces, in Basso Relievo' in Faulkner's Dublin Journal on 26 April 1748. The set of twelve were described as 'ornamental to Lady's Chambers, but useful to paint and draw after, or imitate in Shell or Needle Work'. The compositions, as here, were ribbon-tied bouquets of flowers, almost certainly influenced by the great Dutch and French painters such as G.D.Ehret, Louis Tessier and J.B.Monnoyer.
A group of closely related flower pictures in near identical frames were sold Christie's, London, 23 September 2010 lot 180 & 182.
A group of closely related flower pictures in near identical frames were sold Christie's, London, 23 September 2010 lot 180 & 182.