« J’ai rêvé de tableaux dont l’élaboration serait longue et pour cela maintiendrait une tension, un principe où le temps qui par vocation est érosif, construirait. Certaines de mes peintures nous entretiennent de cela, comme un bateau nous entretient de la mer [18]. »
"I dreamt of paintings whose elaboration would be long and for that would maintain a tension, a principle where time, which by vocation is erosive, would build. Some of my paintings speak to us of this, as a boat speaks to us of the sea [18]."
Jean Pierre Pincemin
"I dreamt of paintings whose elaboration would be long and for that would maintain a tension, a principle where time, which by vocation is erosive, would build. Some of my paintings speak to us of this, as a boat speaks to us of the sea [18]."
Jean Pierre Pincemin