« Loic le Groumellec trousse à merveille un monde secret, rupestre, chamanique, loin du brouhaha et plein d'ambiguïtés […] et des tableaux épurés, aux signes tatoués légers. Entre temps dense… et danse des origines ». Laurent Boudier
"Loic le Groumellec perfectly arranges a secret, shamanic world with a rock-art inspiration, far from the hubbub and showcasing many ambiguities […] and streamlined paintings, with light tattooed signs. Between dense times… and a dance of the origins." Laurent Boudier
"Loic le Groumellec perfectly arranges a secret, shamanic world with a rock-art inspiration, far from the hubbub and showcasing many ambiguities […] and streamlined paintings, with light tattooed signs. Between dense times… and a dance of the origins." Laurent Boudier