« Les idées que les ruines réveillent en moi sont grandes. Tout s’anéantit, tout périt, tout passe. Il n’y a que le monde qui reste. Il n’y a que le temps qui dure. Qu’il est vieux ce monde! Je marche entre deux éternités. De quelque part que je jette les yeux, les objets qui m’entourent m’annoncent une fin et me résignent à celle qui m’attend. ». Diderot
"Ruins awaken great ideas in me. Everything is annihilated, everything perishes, everything passes. Only the world remains. Time is the only thing that lasts. This world is so old! I walk between two eternities. No matter from where I look, objects surrounding me seem to indicate an ending which makes me accept the one which awaits me." Diderot
"Ruins awaken great ideas in me. Everything is annihilated, everything perishes, everything passes. Only the world remains. Time is the only thing that lasts. This world is so old! I walk between two eternities. No matter from where I look, objects surrounding me seem to indicate an ending which makes me accept the one which awaits me." Diderot