“If the black-and-white Untitled Film Stills contain the nostalgia of an old movie, the Rear Screen Projections exude the artifice of a television show. ...Sherman is still role-playing, but these characters are decidedly more up-to-date in their demeanor. Rather than victims or femme fatales, the women in the Rear Screen Projections appear more confident and independent.”
—A. Cruz, “Movies, Monstrosities, and Masks: Twenty Years of Cindy Sherman,” in Cindy Sherman: Retrospective, exh. cat., Chicago and Los Angeles, 1997, p. 5.
—A. Cruz, “Movies, Monstrosities, and Masks: Twenty Years of Cindy Sherman,” in Cindy Sherman: Retrospective, exh. cat., Chicago and Los Angeles, 1997, p. 5.