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阿列克榭·馮·雅佛林斯基(1864 - 1941)


阿列克榭·馮·雅佛林斯基(1864 - 1941)
油彩 畫板
20 7/8 x 19 3/8英寸(53.2 x 49.4公分)
1947年9月17日 L. Grote給W. Moufang的信件
《L’art allemand contemporain, numéro special de Documents》,奧芬堡,1951年,第32頁(插圖,作品名稱《Tête》)
C. Weiler著《Alexej Jawlensky》,科隆,1959年,第237及286頁,編號142(插圖,第181頁)
G. Rehbein〈Jawlenskys später Ruhm〉《Düsseldorfer Hefte》,1961年11月,第21冊,第738頁(插圖)
A. Hünecke編「Angriff auf die Kunst. Der faschistische Bildersturm vor fünfzig Jahren」展覽目錄,魏瑪藝術收藏,1988年,第72頁
M. Jawlensky,L. Pieroni-Jawlensky及A. Jawlensky著《Alexej von Jawlensky: Catalogue Raisonné of the Oil Paintings, 1890-1914》,倫敦,1991年,第I冊,第457至458頁,編號586(彩色插圖,第446頁)
C. Zuschlag《'Entartete Kunst:' Ausstellungsstrategien im Nazi-Deutschland》,沃姆斯,1995年,第168、271及338頁
N. Michels著《Verrat an der Moderne. Die Gründungsgeschichte und das erste Jahrzehnt der Anhaltischen Gemäldegalerie Dessau 1927-1937》,德紹,1997年,第69至70及120頁(插圖,第70頁
S. Frey〈'Blaue Vier? In Deutschland kannte man sie bisher kaum' – Zur Blaue Vier-Ausstellung, Galerie Ferdinand Möller, Berlin, Oktober 1929〉「Die Blaue Vier」展覽目錄,伯爾尼美術館,1997年,第253頁(插圖,圖14)
F.-M. Peter及R. Stamm著《Die Sacharoffs. Zwei Tänzer aus dem Umkreis des Blauen Reiters》,科隆,2002年,第60頁(插圖)
G. Leinz〈Das Jahr 1913. Skulptur als Form der Farben〉《Reihe Bild und Wissenschaft Forschungbeiträge zu Leben und Werk Alexej von Jawlenskys》,洛迦諾,2005年,第II冊,第96頁(彩色插圖,圖7)
A. Affentranger-Kirchrath〈Nato dalla linea. Il disegno nell’opera di Alexej von Jawlensky〉「Alexej von Jawlensky: il valore della linea: Jawlensky disegnatore in dialogo con Matisse, Hodler e Lehmbruck」展覽目錄,州立藝術博物館,洛迦諾,,2007年,第41頁(插圖,第32頁)
D. Schwarz著《Kunstmuseum Winterthur. Série Musées Suisses》,溫特圖爾,2007年,第67頁(插圖)
1929年 「Landes-Ausstellungsgebäude am Lehrter Bahnhof, Juryfreie Kunstschau」展覽 柏林 編號544
1933年3月 「Anhaltische Tageseitung, Schaufenster (Display window)」展覽 德意志報社 德紹
1937年9月至10月 「Entartete Kunst」展覽 安哈爾特美術館 德紹
1938年 「Entartete Kunst」展覽 音樂廳 薩爾茨堡
1938年11月至12月 「Entartete Kunst」展覽 學校展覽館 漢堡
1949年9月至10月 「Der Blaue Reiter, München und die Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts, der Weg von 1908-1914」展覽 慕尼黑藝術之家 編號45
1950年春 「Der Blaue Reiter 1908-1914, Wegbereiter und Zeitgenossen」展覽 巴塞爾美術館 編號56
1954年9月至10月 「Alexej von Jawlensky」展覽 新博物館 威斯巴登 編號45
1957年5月至6月 「Alexej von Jawlensky」展覽 伯爾尼美術館 編號55
1957至1958年 「Zehn-Jahres-Ausstellung」展覽 法蘭克福藝術學院漢娜·貝克爾、伯爾尼美術館、薩爾布呂肯薩爾州博物館、杜塞爾多夫萊茵蘭和威斯特伐利亞藝術協會、漢堡藝術協會及不萊梅美術館 編號57
1958年11月至12月 「 Ausstellung Alexej von Jawlensky」展覽 Haus am Waldsee展覽 柏林 編號34
1959年2月至3月 「Alexej von Jawlensky」展覽 法蘭克尼亞畫廊 紐倫堡 編號16
1959年3月至5月 「Alexej von Jawlensky」展覽 連巴赫市立美術館 慕尼黑 編號21
1960年10月至1961年1月 「Herbstausstellung, Werke deutscher und französischer Kunst des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts」展覽 杜塞爾多夫 威廉·格羅申尼格畫廊(插圖)
1961年4月至6月 「Der Blaue Reiter und sein Kreis」展覽 溫特圖爾藝術博物館
1961年11月至1962年1月 「Ausstellung auserlesener Meisterwerke des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts」展覽 威廉·格羅申尼格畫廊 杜塞爾多夫
1962年10月至12月 「Entartete Kunst. Bildersturm vor 25 Jahre」展覽 藝術之家 編號58(插圖)
1968年4月 「Kunsthandel in Düsseldorf 1962-1967」展覽 威廉·格羅申尼格畫廊 杜塞爾多夫(插圖)
1984年6月至8月 「Experiment Sammlung II, Fünf Sammlungen für das Museum」展覽 溫特圖爾藝術博物館 第44頁
1987年9月至1988年1月 「Kunst in öffentlichen Sammlungen bis 1937」展覽 杜塞爾多夫美術館 第124頁,編號21(插圖)
2002年3月至6月 「Arte Africana dalla Collezione Han Coray 1916-1928. Han Coray, Ritratto di un collezionista」展覽 盧加諾州藝術博物館 第52頁(插圖)
2010年8月至10月 「Masterpieces from the Collection of the Kunstmuseum Winterthur」展覽 世田谷美術館 東京 第90及164頁,編號62(彩色插圖,第91頁)
Please note the updated provenance for this work which can be accessed online:
Heinrich Ehmsen, Munich (acquired from the artist, circa 1920).
Private collection, Berlin.
Galerie Ferdinand Möller, Berlin.
Anhaltische Gemäldegalerie, Dessau (acquired from the above, March 1931).
Confiscated from the above as "degenerate art" by the Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda, Berlin (Entartete Kunst No. 10925, 31 May 1938).
Galerie Fischer, Lucerne.
Dr. Ludwig Grote, Nuremberg (acquired from the above, by 1943).
Galerie Wilhelm Grosshennig, Düsseldorf (by 1961).
Acquired by the present owner, 1962.


Emily Kaplan
Emily Kaplan Senior Vice President, Senior Specialist, Co-Head of 20th Century Evening Sale


Created in 1913, Renaissance-kopf dates from a key period of Alexej von Jawlensky’s career, one which he later described as “the turning point” in his art (quoted in M. Jawlensky, L. Pieroni-Jawlensky & A. Jawlensky, Alexej von Jawlensky: Catalogue Raisonné of the Oil Paintings Volume One 1890-1914, London, 1991, p. 31). Beginning in 1911 during a sojourn to the Baltic Coast and continuing up to the outbreak of the First World War in 1914, Jawlensky believed that the works he produced over the course of these three years were among the most powerful of all his artistic achievements, ones in which he “found a personal form and palette” (quoted in C. Weiler, Jawlensky: Heads Faces Meditations, New York, 1971, p. 106). Focusing almost exclusively on close-up studies of the human face, Jawlensky’s paintings from this period are characterized by bold gestural brushstrokes, juxtapositions of vibrant complementary colors, and stark black outlines, as he sought to reach new dimensions of emotional and spiritual depth in his art.
Emerging at the height of this period of extreme creativity, Renaissance-kopf is a richly-worked, enigmatic portrait of the dancer Alexander Sacharoff, an important figure in the avant-garde circles of Munich during the pre-War era and one of Jawlensky’s closest friends. A native of Mariupol, Sacharoff had studied painting in Paris before settling in Munich in 1905, where he began training as a dancer. He entered Jawlensky’s orbit during the opening months of 1908, joining the Neue Künstlervereinigung München (NKVM), where he was enthusiastically welcomed for his sensual, androgynous approach to dance as an expression of the self. In 1910 he caused a sensation with his inaugural appearance at the city’s Odeon theatre, performing in lavish costumes of his own design. As Jawlensky recalled in his memoirs, “We were together constantly for a number of years; he was at our place almost every day. These years of friendship were very interesting, since Sacharoff is an intelligent, quick-witted, sensitive, gifted person. We discussed his entire training as a dancer. I always watched him dance. He loved my art and understood it very well” (quoted in R. Zieglgänsberger, A. Hoberg and M. Mühling, eds., Soulmates: Alexej von Jawlensky and Marianne von Werefkin, exh. cat., Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus und Kunstbau, Munich, 2019, p. 207).
Sacharoff frequently sat for Jawlensky over the course of their friendship, becoming one of the artist’s favorite models. For example, in his 1909 composition Bildnis des Tänzers Alexander Sacharoff (Jawlensky, no. 250; Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus und Kunstbau, Munich), one of the most iconic paintings of Jawlensky’s entire oeuvre, the artist captures a vivid sense of his friend’s playful energy and theatrical streak, portraying him in a bright vermillion costume and stark white stage make-up. Sporting a rakish smile that curves upwards at the corner, Sacharoff gazes directly at the viewer, his kohl-rimmed eyes at once challenging and seductive. According to the sitter’s wife (and dance partner) Clotilde von Derp-Sacharoff, the painting was created one evening on the spur of the moment, while the dancer was visiting Jawlensky’s studio just before a performance. When it was time to depart, Sacharoff insisted on taking the portrait with him, even though the pigment was still wet, fearing that if he left it behind the artist would paint over it.
Jawlensky found Sacharoff’s androgynous appearance fascinating, often using his image as the starting point for both female and male characters in his compositions. In Renaissance-kopf, the dancer adopts an introspective pose, his eyes cast downwards and away from the artist as if lost in thought, while his distinctive facial features are strongly stylized, translated into a network of simplified, sharply delineated, geometric shapes and lines. By reducing traces of his sitter’s individuality in this way, eliminating the idiosyncrasies of his appearance in pursuit of a more generalized character, Jawlensky transforms Sacharoff into an archetypal figure, allowing the painting to become a study in mood and atmosphere rather than a traditional portrait. One of the most powerful elements of the composition lies in the intensity of the artist’s palette, as blocks of bold, rich colors clash dramatically with one another in a luminous constellation of vivid hues. Using thick, zig-zagging brushstrokes of turquoise green and deep purple to describe the planes of Sacharoff’s face, as well as an electric blue veil that envelopes his head in a luminous shimmer of bright color, Jawlensky intensifies our focus on his sitter’s visage and infuses the composition with a palpable sense of energy.
Renaissance-kopf was acquired directly from the artist in 1920 by the Munich-based artist Heinrich Ehmsen, who was a close friend of Jawlensky and involved in the Novembergruppe. It was later purchased by the Anhaltische Gemäldegalerie in Dessau, entering the collections in March 1931, where it remained for six years before being confiscated as entartete kunst, or “degenerate art.” More than seventy works by Jawlensky were removed from German museums in 1937 during the great cultural purge engineered by the National Socialists, which aimed to systematically “impound works of German art of decline since 1910 currently in the possession of the Reich, the states, and the communes” that “insult German sentiment or destroy or confuse natural form” (quoted in O. Peters, ed., Degenerate Art: The Attack on Modern Art in Nazi Germany 1937, exh. cat., Neue Galerie, New York, 2014, p. 37). Renaissance-kopf was included in three of the now infamous travelling exhibitions dedicated to these confiscated artworks (Dessau, Hamburg and Salzburg), which sought to publicly mock and defame the leading artists of German modernism.
Thankfully, the painting survived the war after being sold to Galerie Fischer in Lucerne, and was subsequently purchased by Dr Ludwig Grote, the former director of the Anhaltische Gemäldegalerie and a central figure in the establishment of the Bauhaus in Dessau, who had been dismissed from his post by the Nazis in 1933. After the War, Grote organized a number of major retrospectives of classic modernism in Germany, and was appointed the first director of the Germanisches Nationalmuseum in Nuremberg in 1951. Renaissance-kopf was purchased by the Volkart Foundation in 1962, and has remained in their collection ever since.

更多來自 二十世紀藝術晚間拍賣
