F.P.JOURNE,鈦金屬酒桶形石英腕錶,ÉLÉGANTE 48 MM,約2018年製,附原廠證書、盒子及外包裝 機芯: 石英 錶盤: 白色,夜光 錶徑: 39 x 48 毫米(闊 x 長) 附件:F.P.Journe 原廠證書、2 條額外F.P.Journe 錶帶、盒子及外包裝 F.P.JOURNE
This lot incorporates batteries which may be designated as “dangerous goods” under international laws and regulations governing the transport of goods by air freight. If buyers request shipment of such lots to regions outside the region in which the saleroom is located, the batteries will be removed and retained prior to shipment. If such lots are collected from the saleroom, the batteries will be made available for collection free of charge.