Reprenant le principe de porte coulissante qu’elle avait utilisé pour l’appartement du musicien Jean Rivier à Paris en 1930, Charlotte Perriand dessine cette porte afin de séparer le passage entre le salon et la chambre de son appartement rue Las Cases en 1986. Elle recouvre une face de la porte d’un assemblage de papier japonais bicolore découpé par la forme ovoïde du pas de porte, l’autre d’un matériau gris mat permettant l’écriture à la craie.
Using the same principle of the sliding door that she had used for the apartment of the musician Jean Rivier in Paris in 1930, Charlotte Perriand designed this door in order to separate the passage between the living room and the bedroom of her apartment rue Las Cases in 1986. She covers one side of the door with an assembly of two-tone Japanese paper cut by the ovoid shape of the doorstep, the other with a matte grey material allowing chalk writing.
Using the same principle of the sliding door that she had used for the apartment of the musician Jean Rivier in Paris in 1930, Charlotte Perriand designed this door in order to separate the passage between the living room and the bedroom of her apartment rue Las Cases in 1986. She covers one side of the door with an assembly of two-tone Japanese paper cut by the ovoid shape of the doorstep, the other with a matte grey material allowing chalk writing.