On occasion, Christie's has a direct financial int…
阿莫奧克·博福 (1984年生)
阿莫奧克·博福 阿莫奧克·博福 (1984年生) 藝術家與他的畫作 油彩 紙本 165 x 136 cm. (65 x 53 1⁄2 in.) 2019年作 款識:AMOAKO M BOAFO 2019 KING (中下)
On occasion, Christie's has a direct financial interest in lots consigned for sale which may include guaranteeing a minimum price or making an advance to the consignor that is secured solely by consigned property. This is such a lot. This indicates both in cases where Christie's holds the financial interest on its own, and in cases where Christie's has financed all or a part of such interest through a third party. Such third parties generally benefit financially if a guaranteed lot is sold successfully and may incur a loss if the sale is not successful.