CHURCHILL, Winston S. (1874-1965)
CHURCHILL, Winston S. (1874-1965)
CHURCHILL, Winston S. (1874-1965)
CHURCHILL, Winston S. (1874-1965)
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CHURCHILL, Winston S. (1874-1965)

Arms and the Covenant. London: 1938. [With:] – Step by Step. London: 1939.

CHURCHILL, Winston S. (1874-1965)
Arms and the Covenant. London: 1938. [With:] Step by Step. London: 1939.
Presentation copies from Churchill to Eden of Churchill's most important pre-War publications, perhaps showing Churchill's new-found faith in Eden. As Foreign Secretary under Stanley Baldwin's third administration, Eden supported a policy of non-interference in the Spanish Civil War, and later, in Chamberlain's cabinet, oversaw concessions to Nazi Germany in order to maintain peace. This put Eden at odds with Churchill, but Eden felt compelled to resign on 20 February 1938 as a public protest against Chamberlain's policy of coming to friendly terms with Fascist Italy. Consequently, Churchill viewed Eden as the 'one strong figure standing up against long, dismal, drawling tides of drift and surrender' (quoted in Gilbert, p.587). Arms and the Covenant highlights Britain's lack of military preparation and attacks Chamberlain's policies of appeasement, while Step by Step collects Churchill's newspaper writings in the years before the outbreak of war, many of them on the same themes. The inscriptions are dated June 1938 and June 1939 respectively, in the months of their publication. Woods A44(a); A45.

2 volumes, octavo (225 x 152mm). Publisher's cloth (extremities faintly rubbed). Provenance: Winston S. Churchill (authorial presentation inscriptions to:) – Anthony Eden.
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Benedict Winter
Benedict Winter Associate Director, Specialist

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