« Les problèmes, les fameux problèmes dont discutent avec acharnement les théoriciens de la peinture, Dubuffet les écarte avec le plus insolent sans-gêne. Et d'abord un dessin élémentaire indiquera chez lui la défiance à l'égard de la forme ». - Georges Limbour
“The problems, the famous problems of which the theorists of the painting discuss with obstinacy, are rejected by Dubuffet with the most insolent shamelessness. And at first an elementary drawing will indicate in him defiance with regard to the shape.” - Georges Limbour
“The problems, the famous problems of which the theorists of the painting discuss with obstinacy, are rejected by Dubuffet with the most insolent shamelessness. And at first an elementary drawing will indicate in him defiance with regard to the shape.” - Georges Limbour