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On occasion, Christie's has a direct financial int… 顯示更多 先鋒創見:保羅·艾倫珍藏
約翰·辛格·薩金特(1856 - 1925)


約翰·辛格·薩金特約翰·辛格·薩金特(1856 - 1925)《威尼斯安康圣母圣殿外觀》簽名:John S. Sargent(右下)水彩 水粉 鉛筆 紙板14 1/2 x 21 1/4英寸(36.8 x 54公分)約1903年作
〈Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours〉《Globe》,1904年4月9日
〈Royal Water-Colour Society Centenary Exhibition〉《Morning Post》,1904年4月9日,第5頁.
〈The Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours〉《Observer》,1904年4月10日
B.N〈Royal Society of Water-Colour Painters〉《Westminster Gazette》,1904年4月11日
E.G.H〈Artistic Centenary; Hundredth Exhibition of Royal Water Colour Society, The Spring Show〉《Daily Mail》,1904年4月12日
〈Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours. The Centenary Exhibition〉《The Manchester Guardian》,1904年4月12日,第6頁
〈Royal Society of Painters in Water Colour〉《Daily Telegraph》,1904年4月13日,第11頁
〈The Centenary Exhibition of the Old Water-Colour Painters〉《Guardian》,1904年4月20日
A.M〈The Water Colour Society〉《Pall Mall Gazette》,1904年4月18日,第2頁
N. Wilkinson著《Yvette in Venice and Titania’s Palace》,牛津,英國,1923年(卷首彩色插圖;作品名稱《The Steps of Santa Maria della Salute》)
W. Adelson等著《Sargent Abroad: Figures and Landscapes》,紐約,1997年,第180及204至205頁(彩色插圖,第204頁,圖號210;作品名稱《On the Steps of the Salute》,約1906年)
W. Adelson及E. Oustinoff〈John Singer Sargent’s Venice: On the Canals〉《The Magazine Antiques》,2006年11月,第170期,第134及137頁,編號5(彩色插圖,第134頁,圖3)
R. Ormond及E. Kilmurray著《John Singer Sargent: Venetian Figures and Landscapes, 1898-1913, Complete Paintings》,紐黑文,2009年,第VI冊,第12、49、54及60,注釋167;第71至72、76至77、178及182頁,注釋1及第195頁及233頁,注釋1032(彩色插圖,第77頁)
1904年 「Centenary Exhibition」展覽 皇家水彩畫家協會 倫敦 編號107
1925年7月 「Loan Exhibition of Water Colours by the Late John S. Sargent, R.A」展覽 克拉里奇畫廊 倫敦 編號7(作品名稱《The Steps of the Salute, Venice》)
1980年5月至6月 「John Singer Sargent: His Own Work」展覽 科克爾畫廊 紐約 編號32(插圖;作品名稱《A Scene in Venice》,約1907年作)
1983年10月至12月 「Americans in Venice: 1879-1913」展覽 紐約科克爾畫廊及波士頓雅典娜 第54頁,編號36(彩色插圖;作品名稱《A Scene in Venice》約1906年作)
1997年11月至12月 「Sargent Abroad: An Exhibition」展覽 阿德爾森畫廊 紐約(彩色插圖,圖號14;作品名稱《On the Steps of the Salute》,約1906年作)
2002年9月至2003年1月 「Sargent e l’Italia」展覽 鑽石宮 菲拉拉市 第275及290至291頁,編號54(彩色插圖,第291頁;作品名稱《Sui gradini della Salute》,約1906年作)
2003年2月至9月 「Sargent and Italy」展覽 洛杉磯郡立美術館及丹佛美術館 第41及196頁(彩色插圖,第41頁;作品名稱《On the Steps of the Salute (On the Grand Canal)》,約1906年作)
2004年4月至12月 「Gondola Days」展覽 波士頓伊莎貝拉嘉納藝術博物館及威尼斯聖馬可圖書館 第257及275頁(彩色插圖,第257頁,圖205;作品名稱《On the Steps of the Salute, Venice》,約1906年作)
2007年1月至3月 「Sargent’s Venice」展覽 阿德爾森畫廊 紐約 第2至3、99及103至104頁(卷首彩色插圖,第2至3頁,圖97;作品名稱《On the Steps of the Salute》,約1904年作)
2007年3月至7月 「Sargent and Venice」展覽 科雷爾美術館 威尼斯 第67及76頁(彩色插圖,第67頁;作品名稱《On the Steps of the Salute》,約1904年作)
2013年秋 「 John Singer Sargent: An Exhibition of Over Forty Paintings, Drawings, and Watercolors」展覽 邁克爾奧特曼美術諮詢公司 紐約 編號12(彩色插圖)
On occasion, Christie's has a direct financial interest in the outcome of the sale of certain lots consigned for sale. This will usually be where it has guaranteed to the Seller that whatever the outcome of the auction, the Seller will receive a minimum sale price for the work. This is known as a minimum price guarantee. This is such a lot.


Max Carter
Max Carter Vice Chairman, 20th and 21st Century Art, Americas


John Singer Sargent formed an abiding love for and fascination with Venice's unique patina that informed his depictions of the mysterious floating city for over thirty years. Sargent first encountered Venice on a trip with his family in 1870 at the age of fourteen and paid nearly annual visits to the city from 1898 to 1913. While some of Sargent’s earliest imagery focused on inhabitants, his mature Venetian subjects demonstrated his considerable interest in the architecture of the city. He was particularly struck by the aging Renaissance and Baroque façades and peculiar ambiance that defined the city in the nineteenth century, which he transformed into some of his most successful images. The Façade of La Salute is a dynamic example of Sargent’s mature Venetian aesthetic, while serving as a window into the life and travels of one of the most celebrated American artists at the turn of the twentieth century.
The Façade of La Salute depicts a view looking southwest toward the Roman Catholic church Santa Maria della Salute, also known as the Salute. To the right of the church is what was formerly the abbey church of San Gregario, now a private residence. The present work and Santa Maria della Salute (Brooklyn Museum, New York) are the only watercolors in Sargent’s oeuvre depicting boats by the steps of the Salute. In order to view Venice from this unique vantage point, Sargent set out in a gondola to approach the city from the water, capturing the vivid imagery in dazzling watercolor tones. Watercolors produced in this manner, including The Façade of La Salute, have the effect of a snapshot, echoing contemporary photography with their cropped, close-up views, tilted perspective and fluctuating angles.
Sargent exhibited the present work at the 1904 Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours, London. A contemporary critic from the Westminster Gazette praised “the huddle of boats and gondolas at the steps of the Salute,” while another from the Pall Mall Gazette opined, “The white of the fisherman’s shirt is thickly loaded, for the large daylight can bear the comparative dimness of the opaque color.” Another from the Morning Post commented, “Not less vivacious in treatment is a view of ‘The Façade of the Salute’, which, vigorously direct in its freedom of workmanship, possesses the unity of tints in a high key conductive to complete suggestion of open air” (quoted in R. Ormond and E. Kilmurray, John Singer Sargent: Venetian Figures and Landscapes, 1898-1913, Complete Paintings, New Haven, 2009, vol. VI, p. 77, 77n2).
The present work was illustrated as a frontispiece in Neville Wilkinson’s 1923 story Yvette in Venice and Titania’s Palace. A friend of Wilkinson, Sargent painted the author in watercolor on the bridge at Wilton House near Salisbury, Wiltshire. The present work was originally owned by Sargent’s single greatest patron, the dealer Asher Wertheimer (1844-1918). Wertheimer and his family owned approximately 8 Venetian watercolors, through gifts and acquisitions directly from the artist. He commissioned a dozen single and group portraits directly from Sargent, ten of which are now in the Tate, London.

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