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On occasion, Christie's has a direct financial int… 顯示更多 先鋒創見:保羅·艾倫珍藏
小揚‧勃魯蓋爾 (安特衛普, 1601-1678)

《五感- 視覺、觸覺、聽覺、味覺及嗅覺》

小揚‧勃魯蓋爾 (安特衛普, 1601-1678)《五感- 視覺、觸覺、聽覺、味覺及嗅覺》油彩 木板《五感-視覺》& 《五感-嗅覺》27 5/8 x 44 5/8 英寸(70.2 x 113.3 公分); 《五感-聽覺》27 x 43 英寸 (68.6 x 109.2 公分) 《五感-味覺》27 x 43 3/8 英寸 (68.6 x 110.1公分) 及《五感-觸覺》27 3/8 x 44 5/8 英寸 (69.5 x 113.3 公分)(5)《觸覺》含安特衛普城市徽章及木板製作師Guillam Aertssens款(1612/13-1638?)
查理六世, 神聖羅馬皇帝, 維也納(1720年, 隨後由皇家珍藏, 於1796年出售)
Josef Karl Ritter von Klinkosch, 維也納(1873年); 遺產拍賣, 米埃斯克, 維也納, 1889年4月2日, 拍品27至32 (歸屬老揚·勃魯蓋爾及亨德里克·范·巴倫; 來源記錄有誤Archduke Leopold Wilhelm)
Isidore Ritter von Klinkosch (購自上述拍賣)
Baron Wodianer, 維也納(1906至1907年)
匿名拍賣, Drouot莊園, 巴黎,1907年4月20日, 拍品3至7號(歸屬為老揚·勃魯蓋爾及亨德里克·范·巴倫)
Marino Vagliano (購自上述拍賣, 後由後人繼承)
私人珍藏拍賣, 佳士得紐約, 2001年10月3日, 拍品98號(創造當時此藝術家的拍賣成交記錄)
F. Storffer著《Neu eingerichtes Inventarium der Kayl. Bilder Gallerie in der Stallburg welches nach denen Numeris und Maßstab ordiniret und von Ferdinand à Storffer gemahlen worden》1720年, 第一冊, 編號123, 131, 142及144, 維也納帝國收藏, 原作品保存在維也納藝術史博物館中
A.J. von Prenner著《Theatrum artis pictoriae》維也納, 1728年(版畫, 歸屬為漢斯·三世·喬登斯)
A.J. von Prenner及F. van Stampart 《Prodromus》1735年, 維也納帝國收藏, 奧地利Stallburg畫廊收藏
收錄於《Inventarium über die in der Kaiserl. Königl. Bildergallerie vorhandenen Bilder und Gemälde》1772年, 編號128(嗅覺), 編號138(視覺), 編號140(觸覺), 153(味覺) , 原作品保存在維也納藝術史博物館中
C. von Mechel 《Verzeichnis der Gemälde der Kaiserlich Königlichen Bilder Gallerie in Wien》維也納, 1783年, 第140頁, 編號4-8(by Leux (sic Luyckx))
A.J. von Prenner及F. van Stampart著 「Prodromus (1735)」《Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen Sammlungen des Allerhöchsten Kaiserhauses》, 維也納,1888年, 第七冊, 圖版6與7
T. von Frimmel著《Geschichte der Wiener Gemäldesammlungen》萊比錫及柏林, 1899年, 第184頁
E. Ebenstein著「Der Hofmaler Frans Luycx」《Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorische Sammlungen des Allerhöchsten Kaiserhauses》1906-1907年, 第二十六冊, 第216至218頁, 編號123, 131, 133, 142及144
T. von Frimmel著 《Lexikon der Wiener Gemäldesammlungen》慕尼黑, 1914年, 第二冊, 第404頁
S. Speth-Holterhoff著 《Les Peintres Flamands de Cabinet D'Amateurs au XVIIe Siècle》, 布魯塞爾, 1957年, 第113至114頁及207頁, 筆記74 (歸屬為漢斯·約爾丹)
M. Díaz Padrón著 《Museo del Prado. Catálogo de Pinturas, I, Escuela Flamenca, Siglo XVII》馬德里, 1975年, 第40至46頁, 編號1394-1398
K. Ertz著 《Jan Breughel der Jüngere (1601-1678): Die Gemälde mit kritischem Oeuvrekatalog》弗雷倫, 1984年, 第一冊, 第69, 344-348頁, 編號178-183 (插圖, 第344至345頁, 347至348頁); 《聽覺》彩色插圖, 第37版
A. Scarpa Sonino著《Cabinet D'Amateur, Le Grandi Collezioni d'Arte nei Dipinti dal XVII al XIX Secolo》米蘭, 1992年, 第22頁
M. Díaz Padrón及M. Royo-Villanova著 《El Siglo de Rubens en el Museo del Prado. Catálogo Razonado de Pintura Flamenca del Siglo XVII》馬德里, 1992年, 第113, 138及146頁, 編號11, 12及14號
M. Díaz Padrón 《El Siglo de Rubens en el Museo del Prado. Catálogo Razonado de Pintura Flamenca del Siglo XVII》馬德里, 1995, 第一冊, 第264至287頁, 編號1394至1398頁; 《嗅覺》插圖, 第278頁, 《味覺》插圖, 第280頁, 《觸覺》插圖, 第284頁
1873年「Österreichisches Museum für Kunst und Industrie, Gemälde aus dem Wiener Privatbesitze」展覽 維也納, 第22-23頁, 編號86至90頁
2006年4月至2007年1月 「Experience Music Project, DoubleTake: From Monet to Lichtenstein」西雅圖
2015年10月至2017年5月「Seeing Nature: Landscape Masterworks from the Paul G. Allen Family Collection」展覽 美國緬因波特蘭美術館 華盛頓菲利普斯收藏館 明尼阿波利斯美術館 紐奧良美術館 西雅圖藝術博物館 第34至35頁, 編號1至5 (彩色插圖, 第35頁)
J.A. Prenner, Theatrum artes pictoriae (the earlier copies by Storffer are reproduced by Ebenstein, op. cit., pp. 192-193, figs. 9-13).
On occasion, Christie's has a direct financial interest in the outcome of the sale of certain lots consigned for sale. This will usually be where it has guaranteed to the Seller that whatever the outcome of the auction, the Seller will receive a minimum sale price for the work. This is known as a minimum price guarantee. This is such a lot.


Max Carter
Max Carter Vice Chairman, 20th and 21st Century Art, Americas


These five paintings depicting allegories of the Five Senses are near contemporary versions of a celebrated series by Jan Brueghel the Elder and Sir Peter Paul Rubens (Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid). The works are counted among the chefs d’oeuvres of Jan Brueghel the Younger and represent a rarely encountered intact set of these desirable subjects. According to Klaus Ertz, they were painted "shortly after 1626" (loc. cit.), when Jan had returned from several years in Italy where he enjoyed the patronage of leading figures like Cardinal Federico Borromeo (1564-1631). Like the prototypes, this set may well be the product of a collaboration by Jan the Younger and another, as yet unidentified, artist who painted the personifications and accompanying putti.
Ertz’s dating of these panels is well-supported by the historical record. Two of the Prado set are dated 1617 (Sight) and 1618 (Taste), while the appearance of Mariemont in Hearing reflects the completion of building work that took place in the years 1617-1618 and may therefore have been executed slightly later. The reverse of the panel depicting Touch in the present series bears the panel maker’s mark of Guilliam Aertssen, who was admitted to the Antwerp guild as a master frame-maker and tableau-maker in 1612 and appears to have been active at least until 1638. While the panel maker’s mark does not preclude the set from being contemporary with Jan the Elder’s prototypes, on stylistic grounds they would seem to date to nearly a decade later.
The Prado series by Jan the Elder and Rubens were already listed in the inventory of the Alcázar in 1636, which provides a terminus ante quem for the present series, which was painted in Antwerp. The inventory noted that the set was given by the Duke of Neuberg, in all probability the Count Palatine and Duke Wolfgang Wilhelm von der Pfalz-Neuberg, to the Cardinal Infant Ferdinand, who in turn gifted them to the Duke of Medina de las Torres. The Duke had converted to Roman Catholicism and became an important ally to the Spanish crown as the ruler of the Duchy of Cleves, which was united with the Duchy of Jülich and was a central point of debate between the Habsburgs and the Dutch during the Twelve Years’ Truce (1609-21). While it is not known when the Duke himself acquired the Prado series, the evident references to the Archducal couple, Albert and Isabella, in the paintings suggest the set may well have been executed for them and that they gifted the paintings to the Duke for raisons d’état. The Duke died in 1628 and the paintings must have arrived in Spain before 10 April 1633, the day in which the Cardinal Infant left Spain for the Netherlands via Genoa, to provide time for him to gift them on.
Much like the Prado set, this series was in all probability an important commission, though the identify of its patron is unknown. The paintings first appear in 1720 in the possession of the Emperor Charles VI in Vienna. The original patron may well have been a cleric, owing to a notable difference in this series, most evident in the depiction of Smell: while in the Prado painting the personifications tend to be nude or semi-nude, in this series they are draped. Dictates of decency required that personifications be depicted in such fashion. It has further been suggested that this individual may have owned Rubens’ Virgin and Child in Berlin, which Jan the Younger substituted for a similar but not identical painting seen in the right foreground of his father’s depiction of Sight.
Series of the Seasons, Months of the Year and Four Elements proved exceedingly popular in both painting and print in the Lowlands in the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. However, Brueghel and Rubens updated the earlier Mannerist traditions by adapting them to the then-fashionable depictions of collector’s cabinets and market scenes of the type popularized by Joachim Beuckelaer. It is in works like the Prado and present series that this revolution found its fullest expression.

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