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On occasion, Christie's has a direct financial int… 顯示更多 先鋒創見:保羅·艾倫珍藏
喬瓦尼·安東尼奧·卡納爾, 又稱卡納萊托 (威尼斯,1697-1768)


卡納萊托喬瓦尼·安東尼奧·卡納爾, 又稱卡納萊托 (威尼斯,1697-1768)《從聖歐達奇教堂往里阿爾托橋新工廠望去的威尼斯大運河》油彩 畫布8 ½ x 30 5/8 英寸 (47 x 77.8 公分)
(傳) Joseph Smith, later British Consul, Venice.
Daniel H. Farr, Philadelphia.
Alfred Pillsbury,米尼蘇達
Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis
Rosenberg and Stiebel, 紐約 (1957年)
the Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection, Castagnola, Switzerland (1959年購得)
1994年7月4日, 佳士得倫敦, 拍品120號
W.G. Constable著 《Canaletto》牛津, 1962年, 第二冊, 第290至291及606頁, 編號246(a) (記錄為'卡納萊托親手所繪, 大概斷代於1730或1720年代末’)
L. Puppi著 《L'opera completa del Canaletto》米蘭, 1968年, 編號120B
The Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection》卡斯塔尼奧拉, 1969年, 第一冊, 第56頁, 編號52, 及第二冊, 第274頁
J.G. Links著 《Views of Venice by Canaletto engraved by Antonio Visentini》多倫多及倫敦, 1971年, 第52頁
J.G. Links著 《Canaletto: The Complete Paintings, St. Albans》1981年, 第44頁, 編號120
E. Martini著 《La pittura veneziana del Settecento》烏迪內, 1982年, 第81頁 (彩色插圖, 第20版)
A. Corboz著 《Canaletto. Una Venezia immaginaria》米蘭, 1985年, 第二冊, 第632頁, 編號P 226.
D. Succi 等著 《Canaletto & Visentini: Venezia & Londra》展覽圖錄, 威尼斯, 1986至1987年, 第47及240頁, 編號23 (插圖, 第47頁, 第28圖, 錯誤歸屬 (entry by D. Succi).
A.B. Kowalczyk及M. Da Cortà Fumei 等著 《Bernardo Bellotto 1722-1780》展覽圖錄, V威尼斯及休斯頓, 2001年,第78頁, 編號11 (註解C. Beddington著)
1959年11月至1960年1月「Collectie Thyssen-Bornemisza (Schloss Rohoncz): 110 Meesterwerken europese Schilderkunst van de XIVe-XVIIIe eeuw」展覽 荷蘭鹿特丹博伊曼斯·范伯宁恩美术馆 第98號
1960年1月至3月「Sammlung Thyssen-Bornemisza: 110 Meisterwerke der europäischen Malerei des 14. Bis 18. Jahrhunderts」德國埃森 弗柯望博物館 第98號
1978年6月至11月 「Art Vénitien en Suisse et au Liechtenstein」展览 普費菲孔賽德姆文化中心 日內瓦 第180頁 第160號 (插圖, 第39頁; 彩色細節圖, 圖版第9號)
2015年10月至2017年5月「Seeing Nature: Landscape Masterworks from the Paul G. Allen Family Collection」展覽 美國緬因波特蘭美術館 華盛頓菲利普斯收藏館 明尼阿波利斯美術館 紐奧良美術館 西雅圖藝術博物館 編號6 (彩色插圖)
A. Visentini in his Urbis Venetiarum Prospectus Celebriores, Venice, 1742, Part II, no. 5.
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Max Carter
Max Carter Vice Chairman, 20th and 21st Century Art, Americas


In the course of the second half of the 1730s, Canaletto produced a number of his most important and successful works. Shortly after the middle of the decade he had completed his famous series of twenty-four canvases which remain intact at Woburn Abbey as well as a series of twenty-one pictures painted for the Duke of Marlborough which were dispersed by the Harvey Trustees in 1957. Among the Harvey series was Canaletto’s only other depiction of this view, a work now in a London private collection. Like many of his most successful works, the view is taken from a seldom depicted part of Venice and shows the stretch of the Grand Canal between the church of San Stae (roughly equidistant from the Scalzi and the Rialto) and the bend immediately before the Rialto Bridge.
The composition gained wide dissemination through Antonio Visentini’s series of prints after paintings by Canaletto for the Prospectus Magni Canalis Venetiarum. The prints were, in turn, used as a publicity tool through which the marchand-amateur Joseph Smith, one of Canaletto’s most ardent supporters, advanced the artist’s career, namely by attracting English patrons. The publication was produced in two parts. The first edition, published in 1735, contained prints after fourteen paintings that, as the title-page indicated, were in Smith’s house and which would remain there until 1762. In 1742, twenty-four additional plates were added, most of which had already passed through Smith’s hands, including three pictures from the Woburn series and eight or nine from the Harvey series as well. The painting selected to represent the Grand Canal at San Stae was not the one in the Harvey series but the present work.
Smith’s future residence, the Palazzo Mangili Valmarana, shown before it was remodeled following his acquisition of the property in 1740, can be made out in the distance of the present painting. Little else has changed with this view since Canaletto’s time, save the removal of the picturesque chimneys and sailing vessels and the addition of a vaporetto stop at the Campo San Stae on the right. The most prominent structure is Domenico Rossi’s shimmering white façade of 1709-10 for the church of Sant’ Eustachio, known as San Stae, surmounted by Antonio Corradini’s sculptures of the Redeemer, Faith and Hope. Among the works of art commissioned for the interior of the church were altarpieces by Sebastiano Ricci, Giovanni Battista Piazzetta and Giambattista Tiepolo (all in situ). On its far end is the small Scuola of the Gold-Beaters’ Guild of 1711, where the Ponte Giovanelli crosses the Rio di San Stae and leads to the Palazzo Coccina Giunti Foscarini Giovanelli, where Doge Marco Foscarini was born in 1695. The magnificent Ca’ Pesaro, which was designed by Baldassare Longhena, begun in 1652 and today houses the Gallery of Modern Art, is found somewhat farther down the canal. Two small houses are hinted at between Ca’ Pesaro and the equally lavish Palazzo Corner della Regina (1724-7), named after Caterina Cornaro, Queen of Cyprus, who was born on the site in 1454. In the distance can be seen the Fabbriche Nuove di Rialto, designed by Jacopino Sansovino in 1554 to serve as the seat of the magistrates in charge of all customs and duty, which today houses the Court of Venice. Along the north side of the Grand Canal are equally notable buildings, including, from the left, the Palazzi Barbarigo, Zulian, Ruoda and Gussoni Grimani della Vida. Beyond the Rio di Noale are the Palazzi Boldù Ghisi Contarini and Fontana Rezzonico, with the obelisks.
Comparison with the Harvey painting demonstrates how, despite showing exactly the same stretch of the Canal, Canaletto was able to examine every detail anew and address some of the architectural inaccuracies of his earlier painting. While the viewpoint of the Harvey painting is that of a man standing in a gondola, here Canaletto has raised the viewpoint to something near twenty feet above the water level. This, in turn, necessitated that he shift the angles of all the buildings as far as the middle distance. Similarly, in the present painting Canaletto has successfully rendered the projecting marble panels at the base of the façade of the church and the moldings on the façade of the Scuola of the Gold-Beaters.

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