WU GUANZHONG (1919-2010)
WU GUANZHONG (1919-2010)
WU GUANZHONG (1919-2010)
WU GUANZHONG (1919-2010)
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On occasion, Christie's has a direct financial int… 顯示更多
吳冠中 (1919-2010)


吳冠中 (1919-2010)
油彩 畫布 裱於木板
46 x 54.7 cm. (18 1/8 x 21 1/2 in.)
款識: 九一 荼 (右下)
2017年10月2日 香港 保利拍賣 編號179
1992年《吳冠中自選畫集》北京 東方出版社(圖版,第82頁)
1992年《吳冠中作品集—東尋西找 新航道》東京 藝術新聞株式會社(圖版,第38頁)
1996年《吳冠中精品選集》新加坡 藝達作坊(圖版,第49頁)
1999年《論吳冠中—吳冠中研究文選》南寧 廣西美術出版社(圖版,第157頁)
2003年《吳冠中作品收藏集I》北京 人民美術出版社(圖版,第162頁)
2007年《吳冠中全集—第三卷》長沙 湖南美術出版社(圖版,第317頁)
2011年9月15-18日「風箏不斷線—緬懷吳冠中先生經典作品收藏大展」北京 全國農業展覽館
On occasion, Christie's has a direct financial interest in the outcome of the sale of certain lots consigned for sale. This will usually be where it has guaranteed to the Seller that whatever the outcome of the auction, the Seller will receive a minimum sale price for the work. This is known as a minimum price guarantee. This is such a lot. Where Christie’s has provided a Minimum Price Guarantee it is at risk of making a loss, which can be significant, if the lot fails to sell. Christie’s therefore sometimes chooses to share that risk with a third party who agrees prior to the auction to place an irrevocable written bid on the lot. If there are no other higher bids, the third party commits to buy the lot at the level of their irrevocable written bid. In doing so, the third party takes on all or part of the risk of the lot not being sold. Christie's compensates the third party in exchange for accepting this risk provided that the third party is not the successful bidder. The remuneration to the third party may either be based on a fixed fee or an amount calculated against the final hammer price. The third party may also bid for the lot above the irrevocable written bid. Where the third party is the successful bidder, the third party is required to pay the hammer price and the buyer's premium in full. Third party guarantors are required by us to disclose to anyone they are advising their financial interest in any lots they are guaranteeing. However, for the avoidance of any doubt, if you are advised by or bidding through an agent on a lot identified as being subject to a third party guarantee you should always ask your agent to confirm whether or not he or she has a financial interest in relation to the lot.


Jacky Ho (何善衡)
Jacky Ho (何善衡) Senior Vice President, Deputy Head of Department



吳冠中畫桂林山水,七十年代成一組,九十年代成一組。前者重寫生,畫面構建複雜,景物繪寫詳細;後者則重氣韻,構圖化繁為簡,並調整色彩。藝術家曾自我評價道:「我一味想捕獲全豹,便前、後、左、右,山上山下采各種視角形象建構畫面,兩日之工專心於構建、繪寫,但歸來審視成果,不盡人意,那是七十年代中期。九十年代⋯⋯明悟畫面過於囉嗦,破壞了整體腔調,於是重施刀筆,調整色彩,在減法中經營畫面,居然再現了二十年前所探尋的桂林江山」 (《畫外話 吳冠中卷》,人民文學出版社,北京,1999年,第31頁)。據《吳冠中全集》,九十年代以「桂林」為題材的油畫儘有四幅,數量極為珍罕。而作於1991年的本作《桂林》亦是整個系列中空間感最強、筆法最為多變、完成度最高的作品之一。





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