« Dans les limites strictes qu'il s'est imposées, Schoonhoven est devenu un maître incontesté. Son œuvre fait écho à divers mouvements de l'art contemporain - expressionnisme abstrait, art minimal, art fondamental, « néo-expressionnisme » - sans jamais perdre de son identité propre. » - J. Wesseling
“Within the strict limitations which he has placed upon himself, Schoonhoven has grown to be a formidable master. His oeuvre echoes various movements in contemporary art — abstract expressionism, minimal art, fundamental art, "neo-expressionism”—without ever losing any of its own identity.” - J. Wesseling
“Within the strict limitations which he has placed upon himself, Schoonhoven has grown to be a formidable master. His oeuvre echoes various movements in contemporary art — abstract expressionism, minimal art, fundamental art, "neo-expressionism”—without ever losing any of its own identity.” - J. Wesseling