« C’est en arrivant à Paris que je me suis mis à faire mes premiers empaquetages d’objets usuels. L’idée m’est venue de transformer l’objet en l’enveloppant de plastique ou de tissu, comme quand on déménage. On se met à ranger les objets, on les protège, on les empaquète. On enveloppe les meubles, les tables, les chaises, les fauteuils pour qu’ils ne s’abîment pas pendant le déménagement. On les recouvre aussi avec des draps avant de partir en voyage, avant de quitter pour longtemps sa maison. L’idée du wrapping avec de la toile brute est partie de là ». - Christo
“It’s when I arrived in Paris that I started wrapping everyday objects. The idea was to transform the object by wrapping it in plastic or in textile, as we do when we move houses. We start organizing objects, protecting them, wrapping them. We cover furniture, tables, chairs, sofas for them not to suffer during the move. We also cover them with sheets before leaving for holidays, before leaving our houses for a long time. The idea of wrapping with raw textiles came from this.” - Christo
“It’s when I arrived in Paris that I started wrapping everyday objects. The idea was to transform the object by wrapping it in plastic or in textile, as we do when we move houses. We start organizing objects, protecting them, wrapping them. We cover furniture, tables, chairs, sofas for them not to suffer during the move. We also cover them with sheets before leaving for holidays, before leaving our houses for a long time. The idea of wrapping with raw textiles came from this.” - Christo