Lot Essay
In Looking at Photographs, Szarkowski admires Giacomelli's 'visual intelligence' and ability to recognise 'the thin slice of a second during which this picture was possible....' Giacomelli concurs: 'Nothing happens by accident -- neither the white nor the black...[in this image] the black figure is waiting for the white. When you are taking shots they have to be quick and on that occasion I was fast enough.' (quoted in Crawford, p.8)
Fig.1: According to Simone Giacomelli of the Giacomelli Estate, the photographer began using the 'via Mastai 24' credit stamp, which includes a postal code, in the mid-1960s.
Fig.1: According to Simone Giacomelli of the Giacomelli Estate, the photographer began using the 'via Mastai 24' credit stamp, which includes a postal code, in the mid-1960s.