Lot Essay
This Jacobite loving-cup depicts Charles Edward Stuart (1720-1788), known as the 'Young Pretender' or 'Bonnie Prince Charlie'. He is best remembered as the instigator of the unsuccessful Jacobite uprising of 1745 in which he attempted to restore the Stuarts to the throne of the United Kingdom. Defeat at the Battle of Culloden effectively ended the Jacobite cause. The majority of commemorative pottery and also that made in support of the Jacobite cause was produced in English delftware and creamware and depictions of Bonnie Prince Charlie on saltglaze stoneware are very unusual. A similar loving-cup is in the Metropolitan Museum, New York, see Robin Hildyard ibid., p. 586, no. 43 and a saltglaze stoneware 'scratch-blue' mug incised with two similar tartan-clad figures is illustrated by Diana Edwards and R. Hampson, White Salt-Glazed Stoneware of the British Isles, Woodbridge, 2005, p. 34, col. pl. 20.