Lot Essay
By 1767 Josiah Wedgwood had incorporated a number of designs for a wide-ranging selection of ornamental vases into factory production. Realising their commercial potential he introduced design variants with engine-turning and rouletted decoration, in 1767 he wrote to Thomas Bentley: Vases sell too, even in the rude state they are now, for such They appear when I take a view of what may be done'.1<\sup> For a very similar vase, also unmarked, with a domed cover see Gaye Blake Robert, 'To Astonish the World with Wonders', Josiah Wedgwood I 1730-1795', English Ceramic Circle Transactions, Vol. 16, Part 2, 1997, p. 168, no. 10. For the same applied lion mask and swag ornament on a Wedgwood creamware vase of urn shape see Robin Reilly, Wedgwood, London, 1989, Vol. I, p. 349, pl. C6.
1. Josiah Wedgwood to Thomas Bentley, 27 May 1767; E25-18148, cited by Gaye Blake Roberts, ibid., p. 168.
1. Josiah Wedgwood to Thomas Bentley, 27 May 1767; E25-18148, cited by Gaye Blake Roberts, ibid., p. 168.