Lot Essay
Carl Fredrik Reutersward est un artiste et écrivain suédois né en 1934. Il étudie en France avec Fernand Léger en 1951 puis retourne en Suède où il étudie à l’Académie des Beaux-Arts de Stockholm. Bien qu’il soit difficile de le rattacher à un courant artistique, il a participé à l’exposition collective sur le Surréalisme de 1960-61 à New York. L’une de ses œuvres les plus connues (une sculpture d’un revolver dont le canon est noué) intitulée Non-violence est un plaidoyer en faveur de la paix dans le monde et une critique acerbe du recours à la haine. Elle est exposée devant le siège des Nations-Unies à Stockholm (depuis 30 exemplaires ont été réalisés au total). Elle a été réalisée juste après la mort de son ami proche, John Lennon avec qui il partageait sa lutte contre la non-violence.
Carl Fredrik Reutersward was a Swedish artist and writer. He was born in 1934. In 1951, he studied in France under Fernand Léger. He then returned to Sweden, where he studied at the Royal Art Institute in Stockholm. Although it is difficult to identify him with any one artistic movement, he did participate in the 1960-61 Surrealist exhibition in New York. One of his best known works (a sculpture of a revolver whose barrel is tied in a knot), titled Non-violence, is an appeal to world peace and a biting critique of hate. It is on exhibit in front of the United Nations building in Stockholm (since then, a total of 30 have been produced). Reutersward made the piece just after the death of John Lennon, who was a close friend in the struggle for non-violence.
Carl Fredrik Reutersward was a Swedish artist and writer. He was born in 1934. In 1951, he studied in France under Fernand Léger. He then returned to Sweden, where he studied at the Royal Art Institute in Stockholm. Although it is difficult to identify him with any one artistic movement, he did participate in the 1960-61 Surrealist exhibition in New York. One of his best known works (a sculpture of a revolver whose barrel is tied in a knot), titled Non-violence, is an appeal to world peace and a biting critique of hate. It is on exhibit in front of the United Nations building in Stockholm (since then, a total of 30 have been produced). Reutersward made the piece just after the death of John Lennon, who was a close friend in the struggle for non-violence.