Lot Essay
Artiste protéiforme née en 1965, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster n’a de cesse de questionner la relation entre réalité et fiction dans des oeuvres prenant tour à tour la forme de films, de photographies, d’installations ou de performances, et où musique et littérature occupent une place prépondérante. Pour le projet M.2062, elle a ainsi réalisé seize apparitions, entre 2012 et 2014, jamais au même endroit et en incarnant à chaque fois un personnage (réel ou fictionnel) différent – Ludwig II, Lola Montez, Bob Dylan, Emily Brontë, Scarlett O’Hara, Fitzcarraldo, ou encore Edgar Allan Poe (identifié ici par ses initiales, EAP). Chacun de ces avatars incarne pour l’artiste un refuge à la standardisation, « ils sont l’irruption du désir et de l’inconscient, de l’organique, du fantastique, de l’irrégulier, de la nervosité. Ils débordent de cette magie qui […] semble aujourd’hui plus que jamais nécessaire ». Ensemble, ces personnages forment une pièce fragmentée où passé et présent se superposent dans un jeu de cache-cache avec le spectateur, dessinant en creux un portrait de l’artiste elle-même.
Born in 1965, constantly evolving artist Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster continually questioned the relationship between reality and fiction, in works in a range of formats including films, photographs, installations and performances, in which music and literature played an important role. Between 2012 and 2014, for her M.2062 project, she staged sixteen appearances of different personas (real and imagined) – Ludwig II, Lola Montez, Bob Dylan, Emily Brontë, Scarlett O’Hara, Fitzcarraldo and Edgar Allan Poe (identified here by his initials, EAP), each time in a different place. For the artist, each of these avatars represents a refuge from standardisation, “they are an outburst of desire and the unconscious, of what is organic, fantasy, sporadic, tension. They are full of this magic which […] nowadays seems more necessary than ever”. Together, these personas make up a fragmented play where the past and present overlap in a game of hide and seek with the viewer, at the same time suggesting a portrait of the artist herself.
Born in 1965, constantly evolving artist Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster continually questioned the relationship between reality and fiction, in works in a range of formats including films, photographs, installations and performances, in which music and literature played an important role. Between 2012 and 2014, for her M.2062 project, she staged sixteen appearances of different personas (real and imagined) – Ludwig II, Lola Montez, Bob Dylan, Emily Brontë, Scarlett O’Hara, Fitzcarraldo and Edgar Allan Poe (identified here by his initials, EAP), each time in a different place. For the artist, each of these avatars represents a refuge from standardisation, “they are an outburst of desire and the unconscious, of what is organic, fantasy, sporadic, tension. They are full of this magic which […] nowadays seems more necessary than ever”. Together, these personas make up a fragmented play where the past and present overlap in a game of hide and seek with the viewer, at the same time suggesting a portrait of the artist herself.