Lot Essay
“In un certo contesto un certo segno apparterrà certamente alla luna [...], un altro al sole, alla carne, all’ironia e così di seguito. La Natura, turbata da questi nemici (i linguaggi), accorre, ti entra nel cuore e cerca di strapparti l’Immaginario. Ma cosa poi è “natura” o “reale”? difficilmente si può essere sicuri della distanza di un oggetto la cui luminosità cambi con una certa frequenza. La stessa geometria non è attendibile quando i suoi aspetti perdono funzioni e significati se li si trasferisce in un diverso contesto. Questa indeterminatezza continua, giustifica il viaggio”.
"In a certain context, a certain sign will certainly belong to the moon [...], another to the sun, to the flesh, to irony and so on. Nature, troubled by these enemies (languages), rushes in, enters into your heart and tries to tear the Imaginary from you. But what is "nature" or "real"? One can hardly be sure of the distance of an object whose brightness changes with a certain frequency. Geometry is equally not reliable when its aspects lose their functions and meanings if they are transferred to a different context. This indeterminacy continues, justifying the journey".
"In a certain context, a certain sign will certainly belong to the moon [...], another to the sun, to the flesh, to irony and so on. Nature, troubled by these enemies (languages), rushes in, enters into your heart and tries to tear the Imaginary from you. But what is "nature" or "real"? One can hardly be sure of the distance of an object whose brightness changes with a certain frequency. Geometry is equally not reliable when its aspects lose their functions and meanings if they are transferred to a different context. This indeterminacy continues, justifying the journey".