About Christie’s Restitution

Gustav Klimt (1862-1918)
Birch Forest
The Nazi-era (1933-1945) saw the unprecedented and orchestrated spoliation of art in Europe. Its consequences continue to resonate strongly in today’s art world as seventy years on, unrestituted works of art continue to come to light, often when offered for sale.
With the benefit of experience and insight developed over more than a decade, Christie’s takes very seriously its responsibility to ensure that we do not knowingly sell spoliated but unrestituted art works. We are also committed to the ongoing research and identification of such objects, and in helping resolve restitution claims for works consigned for sale. In this, we are privileged to work as both part of the art world and as part of the restitution community.
Our approach — based on four key principles: fairness, transparency, consistency and practicality — puts us at the forefront of establishing best practice for the art market.
Christie’s experience, sensitivity to and even-handedness in handling restitution issues benefits consignors, bidders and claimants alike. We offer:
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Adele Bloch-Bauer I, 1907
Oil, silver, and gold on canvas
© 2015. Neue Galerie New York/Art Resource/Scala, Florence