大批判 — 迪士尼
油彩 畫布
亞洲 私人收藏


王廣義作品的主題來自中國政治宣傳海報的巔峰時期,當時的海報結合三種理想的革命時期典型人物:亦即勞工、農夫與解放軍。就這幅《大批判-迪士尼》(Lot 514)而言,女工、男性士兵與農夫構成震撼的金字塔,他們手持半自動獵槍,自信地往前跨。三人的目光樂觀地望向遠方的地平線,似乎已經準備迎接各種挑戰。一如《大批判》系列其他作品,這幅畫上也有兩個隨機選擇的數字在畫面中重複出現。在中國文革時期(1966-1976),製作大眾可見的圖像需要兩種執照:一張用來製作圖像,另一張則是配送許可。畫面上的數字,代表王廣義成長年代的創意文化遭受的極端箝制。起初西方消費文化的商標本身對畫家而言,鮮少具體意義。迪士尼等商標對他而言,不見得有特別的聯想。相反地,這些商標的意義是強調王廣義對中國重大巨變的複雜情結。這是革命英雄精神對上西方消費主義的愚蠢烙印。王廣義說:「在我看來,我在《大批判》系列想表達的觀點,就是西方文化與社會主義意識型態之間的敵對觀念。其實這種對立意識的重要性與文化研究的議題較為相關,而不在於藝術本身。」(引自《王廣義》,香港,2002年,Timezone 8,28頁。)王廣義選擇這兩種視覺風格,諷刺批評共產主義的失敗、受限於大環境的文化背景,也表達出他本人緬懷理想主義、實踐主義的心情。
Private Collection, Asia



As one of the leading members of China's avant-garde art movement, Wang Guangyi built his reputation on his coolly analytical and deconstructive-informed style, designed to critically reveal the stifling visual and creative culture that he grew up in. While his works have obvious corollaries with Western Pop art, they emerge from Wang's virulent critique of the Chinese communist legacy and the country's seemingly heedless embrace of capitalist consumption.

The dominant motifs of Wang's work are culled from the height of Chinese political propaganda, typically featuring some combination of the three ideal revolutionary types: workers, peasants and soldiers. Here a female worker, a male soldier and a farmer form a powerful pyramid, striding confidently forward carrying semi-automatic rifles in Great Criticism- Disney (Lot 514). Their gazes are fixed optimistically on the horizon, as if ready to confront any challenge. Typical of the Great Criticism series, two repeating, randomly selected numbers can be found stamped across the composition. During the Cultural Revolution (1966 - 1976), two licenses were required for the production of any image for public consumption: one to produce the image, and another to distribute it. These numbers then reference the extreme restrictions on creative production during Wang's formative years. The logos from Western consumer culture initially had little concrete meaning for Wang per se. He did not necessarily have any specific associations with the Walt Disney brand or any other. Rather, the logos were appropriated in order to highlight the artist's complex response towards China's extraordinary historical changes. The heroic spirit of the revolution is confronted with the crass branding of western commercialism. Wang has stated, "In my view, the central point I want to express in the Great Criticism series is the ideological antagonism that exists between western culture and socialist ideology. The significance of this antagonism has more to do with issues in cultural studies than simply art in and of itself" (Wang Guangyi quoted in Wang Guangyi, Timezone 8, Hong Kong, 2002, p. 28). Wang's appropriation of these two visual styles represents his ironic critique on the failure of the communist project and the restrictive cultural environment it produced, while also revealing his own nostalgia for a time of idealism and activism.

更多來自 亞洲當代藝術 <BR>及 中國二十世紀藝術
