油彩 畫布 裱於木板

拍品編號 1692之媒材為:油彩 畫布 裱於木板。


創作於2008年的《無題》(Lot 1692),諏訪敦把焦點放在女主角的頭部和肩膀。藝術家把畫中人畫得栩栩如生,臉部輪廓、肌膚線條、肩上的痣、烏黑的髮絲以至髮鬚都清晰可見。藝術家彷彿捕捉少女早上睡醒的一刻,躺臥在床上的少女,彷彿仍在回味昨天晚上的甜蜜美夢。她臉上的腮紅,散發著無限的生命力和朝氣;朦朧的眼神不其然地吸引觀者,猜測徘徊在她腦海中的影像,企圖跳進她的夢中。諏訪敦描繪散落在枕頭上如瀑布般的頭髮,刻意營造出髮絲飄逸的感覺,這巧妙地與靜態的少女形成了對比。此外,皺摺的床單突顯了少女柔嫩白滑的肌膚,展現了她無限的青春活力和純潔的心靈。諏訪敦把隱藏在人內心的情感與生命力,細膩地通過肢體具像地表現,從中可見藝術家對生命敏銳的觸感,以及他高超的繪畫技巧。

Please note the correct medium of this lot should be 'oil on canvas mounted on wooden board'.



Rendering his images in hyperrealism, Japanese contemporary artist Atsushi Suwa infuses traditional Western oil painting with new vitality and expression through his skillful techniques of the brush that captures his acute sensations toward life and emotions. Body gestures and expression in the eyes are the key elements in human portraiture. The artist employs delicate brush strokes in his compositions and uses skillful modeling of the human form to render the form and inner psyche of the figure in order to establish resonance with viewers. For Suwa, truthful realism is not merely about perceptive appearance, the artist has to scrutinize and truly understand the body he depicts in order to represent a connection between the individual and the pictorial environment in a genuine manner.

In Untitled (Lot 1692), a work created in 2008, Atsushi Suwa focused on depicting the head and the shoulders of the girl. Suwa brings the subject to life through meticulous rendering of the contours of the girl's face, the texture of her skin, the mole on her shoulder, and her fine, silky black hair. The artist captures the moment when the young girl awakens in the morning, still recollecting the fragments of her dream as she lies in bed. The pink glow of her cheeks emanates a sense of vitality, while her sleepy eyes invite viewers to imagine the thoughts floating in her dream-like world. Suwa portrays the hair of the girl with great movement like a waterfall that defies gravity, which vividly juxtaposes with the stillness of the girl herself. The creases of the bed sheet help emphasize the smoothness of her skin, her youth and purity of her soul. Suwa reveals emotions and energy of life through tactful and realistic rendition of the human form in order to demonstrate his sensitivity towards life and his superb painting skills.

更多來自 亞洲當代藝術 日間拍賣
