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簽名:Koh; Koh Sang Woo

2008年12月1日-2009年1月31日「首爾國際攝影展」 Seoul Station 首爾 韓國 (展品為《對話》)
2009年2月6-28日「高尙佑」Sun Contemporary畫廊 首爾 韓國 (展品為《對話》及《愛戀》另一版數)
2009年3月3-7日「SCOPE New York」林肯表演藝術中心 紐約 美國 (展品為《愛戀》另一版數)

2009年《高尙佑》Sun Contemporary畫廊 首爾 韓國 (圖版,第13-14頁)


這次參拍的作品《自畫像 (第7號); 及追崇者》(Lot)屬於高尚佑較早期的創作,以「感情關係」和「內在美」道出現代人對「愛」錯誤的理解。高認為我們有時候忘記了「愛是無條件的,是不能計較利害得失的。愛是對內在美的欣賞。」《追崇者》以統一的深藍、營光粉紅、和亮橙三種攝人的主色劃出主角們之間的聯繫,亦意味著他們曖味的三角關係。藝術家不止是形式上把三位主角赤祼祼的暴露著,更在意式上掏空了他們內心的冷感,藉著倒置色調將之直接表現在藍色的身體上。豔麗奪目的眼罩、羽毛頭飾是外置而不直實的色彩,亦是主角們用以掩飾他們帶有目的的關係和轉移視線的工具;《自畫像 (第7號)》的色調特顯三位模特兒典型的女性化妝扮,諷刺著人們忽視內在的涵養,留意的重點往往是捲髮、紅唇、花裙。這些外在的美麗在色彩互換後消失了,表達出它的假。如不細心留意手的分別或輪廓線條的不同,很難發現置中的其實是一名男子,而他更是高尚佑本人。

Gallery Sun Contemporary, Koh Sang Woo, exh. cat., Seoul, Korea, 2009 (different edition of What Light Dreams When the Sun is in Love illustrated, pp. 13-14).
SAMSUNG CAMERATA, Vol. 1, Seoul, Korea, 2009 (different edition of What Light Dreams When the Sun is in Love illustrated, pp. 15-18)
'Artist meets brand', Bar & Dining Magazine, Seoul, Korea, 2009 (different edition of What Light Dreams When the Sun is in Love illustrated, unpaged)

Seoul, Korea, Seoul Station, Seoul International Photography Festival, 1 December 2008-31 January 2009 (different edition of Conversation exhibited).
Seoul, Korea, Gallery Sun Contemporary, Koh Sang Woo, 6-28 February 2009. (Conversation exhibited, different edition of What Light Dreams When the Sun is in Love exhibited).
New York, USA, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, SCOPE New York, 3-7 March 2009 (different edition of What Light Dreams When the Sun is in Love exhibited).



Koh Sang Woo diverged from traditional photography to explore the potential of the camera to express emotions behind the surfact of a conventional image. Through inverting the positive and negative of the image and tactfully arranging its colors, space is inverted, and the real feelings hidden under an image are captured instead. Koh turns black into white and red into green, and displays the intrinsic consciousness on the photograph. Exploring "Love" as his main theme in the past ten years, Koh has combined the techniques of photography and drama into his works, producing a series of "visual hymns" for the audience to contemplate on the real significance and value of love.

Self Portrait #7; & The Chaser (Lot 1694) in this sale are earlier works of the artist. In displaying themes such as "relationship" and "intrinsic beauty" in his work, Koh shows the modern misinterpretation of love. Koh believes that sometimes we forget that "love is unconditional, uncountable, and is the appreciation of intrinsic beauty." In The Chaser, the use of unifying deep blue, fluorescent pink and sharp orange connects the three main characters and signifies their ambiguous tripartite relationship. The artist empties out the souls of the characters in the scene by exposing their bodies bare and using the inverted blue to emphasize the mood of apathy. The bright, neon headdresses and sunglasses suggest a sense of artifice and unnatural beauty, as the characters shield their gazes and dress in disguise. The colours that emphasize the curled up hair, red lipstick and extravagant dresses of the three female models in Self Portrait #7 seem to ridicule women who blindly conceal their natural appearance with with artifice and makeup. If one does not carefully study the shape of the hands, we will pass by the fact that one of the models is in fact a man who, unexpectedly, is Koh Sang Woo himself.

Conversation; & What Light Dreams When the Sun is in Love (Lot 1693) are more recent works of Koh. He first paints patterns on the couple and then inverses the image. Two pairs of lovers embrace passionately in the dark, snuggling close to each other's bodies of bluish green colours. The bright purple and orange hair colour creates a painterly quality in the ethereal and dreamlike image. In Conversation, Koh redefines "intimacy" through his own understanding and interpretation of colour. Coupled together under the dreamy, pastel light of the atmospheric scene, the lovers entangled in each other's arms illustrates the meaning of real intimacy and communication of love through their embraces. What Light Dreams When the Sun is in Love describes a highly metaphorical scene of how one only sees love in the other person that they embrace. The relationship between the characters poetically portrays lovers who are blinded by love, when one is like a butterfly naturally mesmerized by the flower they graze.

更多來自 亞洲當代藝術 日間拍賣
